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Hirsty joins wednesday


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It was only 1 ref corks, bit harsh labelling him a ref pusher and lets be right it was barely a push, not his fault the ref was a wimp:hihi:


That ref should have been booked for diving! (Sod all to do with DH I know, like half of the posts on this thread).

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Yes run by Ken and Polish Steve, 2 brilliant blokes I always had my hair cut there in the 70's and I'm a Blade, great barbers.


Steve the Polish hairdresser at Johnny Fantham's place worked there for years. I remember him in the early 60s and returned there whilst on a visit at the time of the 'Polish cardinal' becoming pope. "I see one of your countrymen is the new pope" says I. "I am not a Pole I am a Ukrainian" he replied. Apparently he had volunteered for the Waffen SS as a teenager, not because he was a Nazi but because he was anti-Russian. He fought at Stalingrad and finished up in France where he was captured and finished up in a local POW Camp (Lodge Moor?) As I recall he stayed on, married a local girl and at the time had a daughter working as a teacher in London. I well remember him saying:- "I fought the bloody Russians once and I'll do it again"


More on Steve here.


He was a holder of an original £5 Wednesday share. Entitled him to bring one male or two females to home games. That went down the plug-hole with the MM takeover.

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