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Pubs on park hill lane???


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A relative of mine listed their occupation as publican and address as 45 park hill lane. (1910)


Did they live at the pub they owned ??


Can anyone point me in the direction of a website/records that would help determine if this is the case?


picture sheffield shows two establishments on park hill lane

Park Gardners Club & Haigh Tree Inn.

Would it be either of these ?


Hope you knowledgable forummers can help me.



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I didn't live in the Park but as a kid, I spent quite a bit of time around the Park Hill Lane/Weight Lane area: That would be in the 1940s and early 50s. My parents had friends who live up there.


To answer your question, Park Hill Lane started at the end of Bernard Street, and ran steaply up, crossed over Hampton Street on a masonry bridge and finally end as a dirt track at the Exchange cricket ground and the allotments. I think there were two pubs on Park Hill Lane: The Haigh Tree (just passed the top side of St John's church yard) and one further up called The Target(?). Both were on the left hand side of the lane so would have odd street numbers. At No. 45, the Haigh Tree would be about right: That is, if all your other details check-out.


Park Gardeners Club was just that: a sort of working mens club. Not a Pub. Therefore, I think you can cross it off your list. In any event, it was on the right side of the lane, across from St Johns Church Yard and would have an even street number.


Being on the other side of the Ocean and away from the my old information sources, I can't help you regarding the best places to search for the kind of details you migh find useful.



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Thank you for your replies. I spent a few hours looking through picture sheffield.co.uk last night to see if I could track anything down.


no such luck yet - But the 'target' pub sounds an interesting link.

The Haigh Tree was not quite the right house number.


Maybe they didn;t live at the pub!!!

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Thanks for the reply retep.


I imagine you in a room somewhere surrounded by mountains of old directories - just waiting for an excuse to rattle through them!!!!


Arthur potts is not my relative so........... the plot thickens.

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I lived on st johns road from about 1948 till late 50/s early 60/s and the only pub that

i can imagine you mean is one that we as kids referred to as the hospital

as we were told it had been an hospital during the war not sure which 1/st

or 2/nd, it was an old building built of stone and had a court yard at the front

of the place that we used to call the hospital yard, but this place had

certainly been a pub or an inn at some time with out side urinals,it had the

appearance of a bygone age, and the name of the people that lived in it was

Whitley, they had a daughter called jean who was a friend of mine, there

was an entrance to the place on WEIGH LANE but it was just an iron gate

with steps leading up to the main building. other pubs in the area were the target/sportsman/and park gardeners/w/m/club.hope this may help you,

if you have any more questions about this place please ask.



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