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What do you consider to be todays biggest evils?

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Mother's who would just love to stay home until their children go to full time school. Unfortunately because of mortgage commitments they can't afford to, and baby has to be left with someone else during the day.


We could start new threads from each persons answer, lol.


I partially agree, but with tax credits, do families need two working parents.

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Consumerism Not sure if this is more about globalisation, but it seems that we are a throw away society, and so much of our leisure time seems to be steered towards shopping, buying, etc. This has definitely increased over the last 30 years. Also I think its much more intrusive as well.



As people want more and more for lower and lower prices it will drive at least some of the other issues you mention.

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Mother's who would just love to stay home until their children go to full time school. Unfortunately because of mortgage commitments they can't afford to, and baby has to be left with someone else during the day.


I take you mean the system that means she can't stay at home, is the evil and not the mother for wanting to stay at home.

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Torys...............they are the biggest evil. They are at their happiest when they are inflicting pain and misery on some poor sod.


Interesting thing about the Tories is that in the 1950s and 1960s when Supermac was in power they built a huge amount of homes and by today's standards would be way to the left of the Labour Party on most issues.

But certainly 'Mrs Thatcher's children' in the Tory party now are much meaner and narrower in their vision.


The power of the media - wayyyy too much and wayyyy too little responsability.

The relentless drive to give everyone degrees at the expense of those who don't.

Treatment of the elderly.

Politics and politicians. Media trained politicians with no real world experience and hardly a gnats fart between the three main parties.


I might add to this later.



I certainly agree with your point about the media, specifically the print media at the grottier, scabbier end of the market.

However newspaper sales are declining so the likes of Murdoch and his cronies will have less influence.

Leveson was a great opportunity to kick the Mail and all the others in the ********...but certain politicians flunked it.

I don't think it's ther fact that MPs have no real experience that's the problem (they have well paid consultancies for that), i think the agenda of politicians is way too narrow and once again parading under the banner of choice, all talk the same stupid slogans.

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Every country has Torys, they call them Fascists or Junta's or Nationalists, but they all fit the same description.


Every country has a Tory government ? I don't think that's right. What about the labour/socialist ones? It must be milk and honey there like it was here just 3 short years ago. ;););)


Ignore me. I'm taking the mick because singling out one crap party over two other crap parties is the height of lunacy.


Oh and add twitter to the list. Pointless, but for some reason has importance attached to it. And the current state of popular music.


---------- Post added 24-04-2013 at 19:14 ----------




Nobody seems to be satisfied with what they've got, always wanting and expecting more .... even if they can't afford it. :shakes:


Including I'd wager, most on here unless everyone is a cleaner and lives as a pauper. We all want the best for our families don't we ? The more money we have the easier that makes it doesn't it ?

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