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French embassy bombed in Libya -

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I guess it was NOT a very good idea that we helped al-Queda in Libya by supplying them with money weapons , air cover and soldiers too fight with them on the ground ,


* ( meaning them NATO elite )



So we got graves destroyed , USA and French embassy's bombed Libya in a state which is full of al-Queda now .



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The same stuff is going on in Syria right now tho.


I hope we don't get involved any further, we shouldn't be anywhere near the place.


We already are involved in Syria


David Camoron has given millions too al-Queda in Syria , body armour and just recently promised them tanks ,



USA just offered too give al-Queda in Syria 123 million ,



Blow back ?

You sow what you reap ?

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When despotic regimes are overthrown there will always be opportunities for the fundamentalists to exploit the chaos. However decades of "he may be a son-of-a-bitch but he's our son-of-a-bitch" didn't work. With the dictators gone the islamists may be freer to commit terrorism or may even rise to power as in Egypt. Then it's their turn to be overthrown and eventually you end up with a workable democracy. It jus won't happen overnight.


The alternative is tell a billion people they're not allowed democracy because they're not capable of doing it right so they need a strong man dictator to tell them what to do, which was the previous plan and didn't work very well.

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