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Pinball machines

Classic Rock

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  • 1 year later...

The place I sell my prints, Bullet, on Sharrowvale Road, have 2 pinball machines. I don't know what condition they are in, but I do know Bullet sometimes rent items out.


Might be worth getting in touch if you can't turn anything else up.

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Originally posted by Ginger Queen

Hello. I'd like a pin ball machine there too.


I would seriously steer clear of buying an old pinball or Juke Box, because they are full of relays and contacts which are always burning out or wearing out.


When I was a lot younger I used to repair an old 45s Jukebox for a youth club it, only held about 120 records and it had many thousands of little contacts and solenoids, and there was always something broken. Pinball machines seem to have more heavy duty relays, due to the expected wear and tear of them being played, but keeping one running will be an expensive hobby, as you will be having to have it repaired regularly.

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