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Bouncers In Very Well Known Privately Owned Bar


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well the bouncer approached my friend first- my pal had had only had a bit of a rant at him for not letting me pick up my bag n coat- what the **** would the bar/ bouncers gain from not letting me in to collect my things?? they r just on a power trip a lot of em. so- my mate lost it a bit- but he didnt get violent and wasnt griefing the bouncers personally or owt....

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well the bouncer approached my friend first- my pal had had only had a bit of a rant at him for not letting me pick up my bag n coat- what the **** would the bar/ bouncers gain from not letting me in to collect my things?? they r just on a power trip a lot of em. so- my mate lost it a bit- but he didnt get violent and wasnt griefing the bouncers personally or owt....


If there's been any sort of aggravation outside of the bar, club, pub wherever you are the door staff will never let you back in. It doesn't matter how much you argue or try to get sympathy off them it won't happen. It doesn't matter if your bag is inside or not, they can be collected another day. The bouncers job is to protected the other customers and the staff who work there, letting somebody in whose just been involved in a brawl isn't doing that job.


There's a great post by a bouncer in another thread about how an incident happens to drunk people on a night, and by morning it's a completely different story. I've had it happen to many doorstaff I've worked with, and very rarely (although occasionally) it is actually the doorstaff's fault.


If you are so concerned that you're in the right, take it to the police and stop posting about it here. If the bouncer did indeed abuse his position then he'll surely do it again, and you need to stop that happening. If you don't think you've got enough evidence, or have a suspicion that your recollections of the night might be somewhat clouded by your alcohol intake, then just forget about it and move on!

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of a sudden the lad i was with and his mate started having a ruccus


the sodding bouncers would not let us in


so my lad shouted at them a bit


well the bouncer approached my friend first


my pal had had only had a bit of a rant at him for not letting me pick up my bag n coat


my mate lost it a bit- but he didnt get violent and wasnt griefing the bouncers personally or owt....


my pal suggested it seen as he is one of the Hillsbro skin'ed crew.... but i persuaded him not to as he would probs get arrested


Sounds like a standard Saturday night rant on the doors nothing new, see it often at other bars, either people walking up to the doors arguing or "stepping out side" either way the door should never allow people in/back in. From the quotes you have posted I would say that your friend did get a little shall we say "in the doormen’s faces" an untrained or unprofessional doorman would only know how to answer this in one way (sadly)

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I've heard a few people complain about the bouncers at Empire before (I assume thats where we're talking about), but I do sympathise with them as due to the crowd it attracts they must have to be less tolerant and completely no-nonsense. Plus, Diamondrava, you sound like an uneducated fool and it also sounds like your friend deserved that punch in the face. You can tell a lot about someone from certain stupid comments they make ("my friend is part of the skin 'ed Hillsborough crew" :loopy: ), and you have certainly done yourself no favours.

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Sounds like he deserved it. We only have your side of the story and from what you have said I don't blame them. It sounds like you and your mate are both mouthy idiots who dererve everything you get.

my mate lost it a bit

my pal suggested it seen as he is one of the Hillsbro skin'ed crew



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i wouldn't have let you back in either. for all he knows you could be going back in to soc the other chap, then the bouncer would look a right idiot in front of his boss, it simply isn't worth it.....i expect he reasoned with you but because you had had alcohol you probably weren't responding to reason......and there's nothing more annoying. I like that he punched the fella (although it is iliegal) some people need a bit of fist to the face.


Simple: don't get involved in bar fights

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