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Bouncers In Very Well Known Privately Owned Bar


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have never had any trouble with bouncers and find it reasuring that they are there. It's a bit like the police - if you have done nothing wrong what have you got to fear?


That said, I know there are some bad and unlicenced bouncers around who possibly have criminal records. These type of bouncers are the problem and give them all a bad name.

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Right... i'v read alot of the postings about people's exsperiences with good and bad doorman (guess what .. they do exist) and guess what i am a doorman and have been for over 5 years now. i like to think of myself as one of the good guys, i am lisenced, no criminal conviction, never have any trouble with police etc....


but i have had my fair share of bad situations to deal with where ever i have worked, and there are some fundemental facts that have reoccured time and time again where ever in the country i have worked.


- when people are influenced by alcohol and drugs(people do take them and it is near impossble to stop them entering a club due to the fact that only the police can search the entire body) they lose there normal everyday reasoning skills and there normal charateristics. Some People tend to use this as an excuse to act like idoits, savages, bullies, mouthy gits and start throwing the word RESPECT around like it was something that they now about, where as in my exsperience, you've got to earn it not demand it.


- people can be reasonable but if they suddenly feel they are losing face in front of friends aspecially if it is the alpha male/female of the group, they do this thing where they only start shouting abuse when they have friends standing infront of them holding them back prtending they want to fight or start it about 10 feet away so that they are out of arms reach and start running away the second they think that a doorman might actually have had enough of there childish ways


- The secruity industary is a long way from being considered a profession in reality. A Doorman apart from maintaining, health and safety, fire saftey, crowd control, conflict management, crisis management, bodyguarding and first aid also has to adhere to the bar/club manager's rules and procedures and ensuring people feel safe enough to enjoy themselves and make sure all the staff are ok, we also have to look after ourselves and are own door team.


- there is a reputation that has stook with doorman for a long time due to the way the bar and club seem used to be 20 years ago when there where fewer bars and clubs and for every one person your throw out for breaking house rules there where 20 people outside in the queue waiting to be let in so doormen back then where normally bigger and meaner than they are today and had much more rule over the doors that they worked than today. So people should consider themselves lucky as there are more places today to enjoy and doorman in general are of nicer than of yester year.


Basically what im trying to say is that the people aren't perfect but if your on a night out and you want to cause trouble, be invovled in trouble, try and deal with it yourself instead of informing the doorman, use or deal in drugs, act foolish and inconsiderate of others, being rude or cheeky. Generally come into our bars and clubs of which we work unsociable hours to help pay our bills and put food on the table, ensuring that more fortunate people can enjoy there nights outs and decide that you want to cause us trouble and treat use wrongfully when we are only doing our jobs and then want to fight us and im not saying there are not bad doorman out there who just want to fight all the time. what i am saying is being considerate and playing nice is appreciated but if a doorman asks something of you please cooperate with them cause if you dont we must fellow through with our convictions and our duties and that when things go wrong and people get hurt.


worlds not perfect, niether are people just try and be considerate of others

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