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Is Wikipedia Accurate?

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I just looked up Sheffield and it says it's in cornwall ?

Rubbish !


No! Sheffield is in Tasmania, and is famous for its street murals:




Seriously, I use a wikipaedia article as a start for my research into something.

Then I cross-check with other sources, some suggested by the WP article.


Maybe even cross-check "Christopher Columbus" against "Discovery of America" in Wikipaedia itself.


As the paper nears completion, I check a lot of things -- local news archives for one -- if the matter is important enough.


I'm prepared to accept Wikipaedia's date for the accession of HGM Queen Elizabeth II & I ( thank you loyal Scots), but I'd be very wary of accepting it at face value on the beliefs of a small religious sect, for instance.


Finally, remember: nothing is ever known with 100% accuracy! (99.99999% maybe)

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