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We need Latin in schools/ or why I am a grammar Nazi

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As medical students (at Sheffield Uni., where else?) we acquired a new lecturer, from Oxford.

He pointed out to us the problem with being at a "redbrick" university; we had not had to pass an examination in Greek or Latin before being allowed entrance, and much medical terminology came from Greek or Latin.

"For instance, you, on the back row, what is the meaning of 'acromegaly'?"

The student opened his eyes, and replied "Acron, sir, a promontary or hill, as the Acropolis, the town on the hill; Megalos, big, as in the megalithic monuments at Stonehenge, therefore enlargement of the extremities of the body, such as chin and fingers". (BTW, this lad ended up a Professor Emeritus)


So it went round the class, 16 students answering him in more detail than he'd wanted. He gave up -- and walked out!

The other 45 students who hadn't known the answers breathed again with relief -- he had only hit the ones who had studied the classics!


We felt the class had won a great victory

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Originally Posted by Strix


The majority of posters on this forum these days can't grasp English, let alone a foreign language. They revel in their own ignorance sneering and sniping at anybody who knows which 'they're/there' to use


One of the reasons Ash is one of my favourite forumers here is that he embraced sharing the forum with people whose standard of English was more finely tuned, and welcomed the opportunity to learn in such an informal environment. I love reading his posts, knowing how he posted in the past. Why don't more members take that opportunity? Is learning unsuitable for plebs or something?


I wooded have posted 'cannot' in that thing.






I think you mean "would OF" mate :D



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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