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Help me please! I'm looking for Richard Hawley address!

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Yes as some have said try his website I had his manager Grahams number through my radio work but I have cleaned out my phone address book so could have passed him a message on to ring you back........Richard always replies to people who contact him though sometimes through Graham

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Thanks a Lot to both of you. I've told my boyfriend my intentions and it was very happy to hear that. So we are writing this post together!

Unfortunately, the work on the EP should take longer than expected..maybe at the end of May, beginning of June.

What do you think I should do by now?

Should I ask to my boyfriend to contact firstly by Richard's forum and then through you? In this case, how long should we wait for a reply by richard's forum?

Finally I think my boyfriend would like to use him opinion like a kind of referring for some indie labels, 'cos we are planning to move away from Italy to England after the University. So it's like a big dream coming true if we could concile all of these projects. In this time Italy is unliveable for us, politics, arts...is everything like a caste from whom is impossibile to enter. In other words, is impossible to express ourselves in what we like to do (not just me and Steve (my boyfriend)), but for everyone. Since Steve attended the first elementary class in London, maybe, I don't know, he fell in love with England, by the way. Sorry for the digression!

According to you, is a good idea this fact that he would use his opinion as a reference for some A&R. Dunno if you know him, but about a year ago he met an important orchestra leader, Beppe Vessicchio (he directed few times the London Symphonic Orchestra for example), who mailed to Steve an opinion saying that this kind of music in Italy are not very "marketable", even if he appreciated his works for the originality. In fact, he would re-send him this other EP to have another feedback.

Finally, what do you think he should plan these precious contacts?

Thanks a lot!


---------- Post added 29-04-2013 at 09:12 ----------


Have I said something wrong? If so, I'm really sorry. I'm just asking, not pretending! Anyway, first of all, I would know by you if what I've thought, it's a good way to go along.

thanks in advance!

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I am a little confused to where Richard Hawley can be of use to you on your project....Also what is your music genre...You will be better off linking up with up and coming musicians in the UK who are not as established as RH and they would give you a realistic idea to how difficult it is to sell your music in the UK like Italy it is dfifficult unless you go through the Internet first your own website would be usefull.

Richard does lend a hand with recordngs but its usually with local bands he knows so if your music doesn't offer him anything I can't see him being of use.

Sorry if I sound negative and I don't speak on his behalf i'm just being realistic, go for the local stuff there's a lot of unheard talent out there.

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I'm Steve (Sally's boyfriend). I decided to sign up for this great forum to interact directly rather than through her. As I said in my previous post, I do not want to seem to be a profiteer nor seek the easy way to success. Quite the contrary, I have great respect for british local musicians, so much so that they are in contact via facebook with many of them (actually I have more English friends that Italians). I'm not saying that things are easier in England, I'm just trying, as I believe it is right for a twenty-three, to find my own way, in search of my passions. I put my whole self in these songs, inspired even, for some of these ones, by the music of Richard Hawley. In some way for me to get to him is important, because for me it is worth a lot both as a musician and as a person, because I think, through his songs, I've learned to know him a little, maybe. For this having his opinion would be a great honor for me, I could understand if what I do can really be appreciated, figure out if there is something good. His music has accompanied me in some unpleasant moments of my life and helped me to "soldier on."Finally, I would like to say that I do not intend to take advantage of anyone, even if we Italians are famous for our cunning. I'm just a guy who believes in his music project and point. Concerning my musical genre, I can not define in a word it, I could try to say the word "rock" to fit into a standard but this word loses some its meaning. should listen to the songs. I've loved the melodies and Gilmour's flair, the choral parts of Queen, the warmth of Hawley's guitar and of his friend Shez. (Anyway just to specify, I write my lyrics in english not in italian..)

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When you have completed your cd pm me and I will give you my address and I can give to his mum and she will pass it on to Richard.:)


Really?! thank you very much, Rainbow2411! I really appreciate that you've understood my situation. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

PS: I think to finish everything by mid-June. In the meantime, I will frequent this great forum, full of kind and helpful people.

thank you all. :)

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i put a post on asking also, no names were mentioned and it vanished

The admin team are a little power crazy with no sense of humour I often think they're not from anywhere near Yorkshire:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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