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Collegiate Cresent College 1960

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Anyone on here attended Springfield junior school during the early 1960's and were taken with the school teacher along with the rest of the class once a week to Collegiate Cresent College for extra lessons ?


Collegiate Cresent college was at that time known as a college - not a campus, and the people giving the lessons were student teachers.


I remember well being taught geography and being shown large pictures of different places around the world by projected images from a slide projector onto a large white screen, one of the things we were taught was where cocoa came from and how it was made - there was a large model of a cocoa bean which we past around the class for us to inspect it.


Another thing we were taught was about basic photography and how to make a simple camera cheaply and produce an acceptable negative which could then be turned into a black + white print. The 'home made camera' was just an ordinary matchbox with a pinhole in the front which you would cover after a piece of film was put inside the matchbox, when you were ready to take the photo, you would point the matchbox at the subject and uncover the pinhole for a few seconds then cover it up again and under darkroom conditions print it off into a photo.

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