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Men V Woman? Are We Now Finally Equal?

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Women are far superior! I look on with envy and amazement on how they can multi-task, one hand holding a brush, the other washing the pots and one foot working a floor cloth, amazing! I have to stagger down to the pub and contemplate my complete inferiority.

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I couldn't have succinctly put the success of female emancipation better myself. Thing is ramps..I really never had you down as a philosopher.

You've really got me thinking now...<ponders off, hands deep in pockets>


I went to Poly for two weeks.


I watched the Harry Potted film - so yes. I am philosopher.

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And God created the first human, and made a garden for a home and a place of pleasure.

Later, the human said to God,"It's lonely here, all the animals you've put here have mates, and I am all alone"

"No problem!" said God."I will create a mate for you. But just one thing to watch out for:


Never tell him I made you first, Eve!"

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When they can build and maintain the modern everyday technology, the roads, the railways, the boats, the planes, the cars and our homes while men look after the kids and go shopping NO :D


Also try not to forget, that when the men went to war in WWII the women, ran all the factories producing munitions and such. I think you'll find given the right training women could do all the jobs you mention.

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