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Cars with blue LED's

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Can anyone tell me what the deal is with sticking a pair of blue LED's to the front of a car is? Over the last few weeks they seem to have mulitplied dramatically.


Do they serve any purpose? Is it something to signify your membership of some bizarre club? Just curious, that's all....



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Just another 'cruisin' boy racer' trick that they think will make them look cool on the road. They only look cool to like-minded boy racers and young girls who also think they're cool though.


They grow out of it in a few years when they realise they look silly.........and then they'll be taking the p*ss out of young people who do it when they're older (but not definately wiser). :D

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Seen them once or twice. Bit daft really innit.


What's a 'chav' by the way and where did it come from? I've seen it around the forum a bit but not heard of it anywhere else? Is it a Sheffield term? Just wondering.

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