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Shop independent local and pay more?

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We've been here before.


Tesco, Asda and Morrisons are all Profit gouging arseholes, aren't they?


How much money do you think they make? Were you to close them down (Possible) where would you get your food?


"Tesco, Asda and Morrisons are shut. No food there. Get your own."


So where do you get yours? From your window box?


---------- Post added 28-04-2013 at 07:46 ----------


I buy meat from local butchers. - It costs more, but it's good.

I buy veg from local dealers - costs more, but it's fresh.

I catch the fish.


I can afford to live my lifestyle.


How are you people (in the UK) going to live if those who export to you decide (a) either to hike the prices or (b) to feed their own people with the food they send you?

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We've been here before.


Tesco, Asda and Morrisons are all Profit gouging arseholes, aren't they?


How much money do you think they make? Were you to close them down (Possible) where would you get your food?


"Tesco, Asda and Morrisons are shut. No food there. Get your own."


So where do you get yours? From your window box?


---------- Post added 28-04-2013 at 07:46 ----------


I buy meat from local butchers. - It costs more, but it's good.

I buy veg from local dealers - costs more, but it's fresh.

I catch the fish.


I can afford to live my lifestyle.


How are you people (in the UK) going to live if those who export to you decide (a) either to hike the prices or (b) to feed their own people with the food they send you?


you live in america right?, well americans are the worst for food purchases, they are as large as their cars, so all i can say is pots and kettles!!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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you live in america right?, well americans are the worst for food purchases, they are as large as their cars, so all i can say is pots and kettles!!!



Err .. not quite.


I live in Oberbayern for half the year and Florida for the other half.


I'm fairly affluent (or should that be effluent?) and in the US, I live in a region where obesity is probably rather less than 25%.


In Bayern, there may well be grossly obese people, but they're kept well hidden. I understand that the mountains have something to do with that. If you spend your spare time going up and down 3 or 4000 ft hills, you don't get too fat.


I come to England (Sheffield) once a year. Where else can I see 16-ton ocean-going females ploughing their way through the fatty food aisles of the supermarkets?


Three hundred pound bulk carriers pushing wobbly-wheeled trolleys laden with a gazillion calories and a ton and a half of carbs?


Are British women so fat because they don't understand what they're shoving down their throats or do they not even give a damn?

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I have just been to my local grocer and bought four 6oz onions (I weighed them when I got home) for 66 pence. Fultons are selling bags of onions containing at least twice as many for 75 pence.


The strawberries I bought there last Saturday were mush by Sunday morning and because I didn't bother to save the liquifying mess until I could get back to the shop, I didn't get a refund.


Their loss.


Why ddn't you go to Fultons then?, you've obviously been to your local shop twice in a week and were not happy the frst time but didn't bother taking them back and then not happy about price second time. The thing that strikes me is that you go there because you're too idle to make bit longer journey.


It's not shops loss it's yours, they have your money = all you have is expensive onions and inedible strawberries

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Up on wood seats about 10 minutes walk from me there's good grocers, butchers, fishmonger and baker. All better quality and price than the massive supermarkets that are round here (Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrison's). The only thing the supermarkets provide is convenience but I'd rather know I was eating good quality local food so I use the local shops a lot.

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They are multi million pound organisations that are allowed to not pay thei proper taxes.






I'm aware of that sunshine ;). I'm fed up with reading (on this forum) complaints from people about Tesco, followed by yet other complaints from people who haven't got a Tesco and have to pay high prices elsewhere.


IMO, Tesco is crap! - But I'd like to see one set up here in competition with the locals ...

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Co-op in crookes is widely known to be very expensive and for all their nicey nicey image, its marketing, nothing more. You could have gone to Sainsburys next door, but I'm not sure if they are any cheaper.


Co-op is just a rip off anywhere you go,their prices are often higher than the likes of Waitrose and Sainsbury's

I refuse to shop a Co-op even if its the only supermarket available at the time


Eggs at Co-op,for one example,are vastly over priced,mainly due to the fact that they dont sell anything but 'free range' eggs and therefore jump up the price.

Ok, for those that give a damn,pay what you will for free range eggs,but for those that dont give a toss,me included (eggs are eggs and come from the same place at the ends of the day),why is their not the choice at co-op.

This is because people who dont give a toss will buy free range if nothing else is available,and pay the jumped up price:rant::rant::rant:

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I pay what I am prepared to pay for food.


I buy the food I am prepared to eat. - And that tends to set the prices.


You, in the UK, have exactly the same choices and opportunities as do I.


Buy premium food at premium prices.




Buy whatever the going crap is at the going rate.


Good food costs more. Fact of life. So eat less and spend the same amount of money buying better.

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