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Fear of water- swimming lessons


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If you call ponds forge, they have trained personnel who can help you with this!


The have specific classes to help people in similar situations to yourself, and allthough you might not think it at this moment in time! It is a very common thing for people of all ages!


Call the main ponds forge helpline number and tell them the situation, the do taster sessions and should get you started!


Good Luck



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Hi Jen, yes go book that lesson. I coached the adult swimming lessons for years at Ponds.You get to go at your own pace and you will have a laugh. The teacher can raise the floor up to suit the learners so you wont be in out of your depth.Good luck

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  • 2 months later...

Do what most people do,play around at the shallow end and gain confidence in the water,grab hold of the side gutter and lift your feet off until one day,bingo you let go and you're floating. The thing to avoid at all costs is to panic,force yourself to keep calm and you'll be ok.

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