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Compensation for cannabis farmers wronged by the state.

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As an ordinary I think you're being a tad defeatist. We may smoke tobacco, drink coffee, imbibe a refreshing beer..all drugs. If the chap up the road want's a line or too of a weekend then that's his business. The young lady over the road want's a camberwell carrot to chill her out after a hard weeks work then what business is it of ours.


What we don't want is aquisative crime by drug addicts(or anyone else). Theiving druggies are hated and rightly so not because of the drugs but because of their scumbag thieving. A non thieving druggy would be met with sympathy. Leglise/massively reduce cost/no or little thieving means we pick off the hardcore thieves and feed them into a chipper and then peace rains among the land.


You've hit the nail on the head. Most people in Britain are not crazed puritans who want to outlaw having fun. They just don't like it when some thieving druggy burgles their house.


It's more about hard drugs than cannabis though. Prescription heroin could fix a lot of that, reduce crime, improve health & make dealers find a proper job.

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UK is definitely one of the more tolerant places. Definitely. However you might be surprised, especially if you spend hours every day in a cannabis-induced haze, that there is a hard core there, that really does draw a distinction between things like caffeine and alcohol and dope. They really do. And they are the kind of people that not only vote, but might be swing voters too. That is why the political parties dipped their toes in the water on the cannabis thing and then hastily withdrew. They got the message. Better steer clear. It seemed to me that they thought to themselves that if we go too soft on the dope thing, some of them will associate us with all sorts of other things that they don't like either.

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Would a popular lad of sixteen, doing well at school, seen at eighteen striding through the village with dog and girlfriend, have become a paranoid wreck with poor memory if he had not been one of the heaviest marijuana smokers around?

Maybe he would.

But I'm grateful to him; seeing this happen to him put my sons off the stuff.

That's what they told me, anyway.

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Cannabis farmers are productive people and make society a better place in which to live, if their behaviour is not banned outright.


Much like brewers. (In prohibition alcohol production was run by criminals, when legalised again, the crime associated with alcohol production and trade disappeared. As taxes rise upon alcohol, criminals take back control of alcohol production - as is the case in the UK for example).


When cannabis is legalised in this country, people should be free to grow it, much like they are free to grow potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, grapes etc. And people who have their crops destroyed by the state should be compensated.


California is doing the right thing here. Cannabis farmers should not have their crops destroyed by the state, and the state should pay compensation for any damage caused.


What do you think?


Suppose your business/trade was outlawed, what would you think then?


Its a free country,you should be allowed to grow it if you wish.At the end of the day what ARE you actually doing wrong?

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Its a free country,you should be allowed to grow it if you wish.At the end of the day what ARE you actually doing wrong?
Thinking for yourself


Depriving pharmaceutical companies of revenue


Having a good time


Not adhering to the hive mind


None of which is a crime but thats what you're doing.


Decriminalisation/legalisation can't be far away. If america is doing it then we won't be far away, america has traditionally had a far more draconian stance on drugs than us so if they are softening then we will. MY guess is by the end of the decade growing your own will be commonplace

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A politicised "middle england" is the reason why politicians won't touch the issue, but it's no justification for prohibition. They buils a weak defence too.


Maybe one day society will grow out of this self-induced apathy. We'll see.


I've no problem as long as there is a reliable test for someone stoned whilst driving.



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just face it mate. The general public does not like drugs-takers anywhere in the world.


How do you know?? Are you the general public's elected voice? You haven't got a clue what the general public want!


Anyway, when weed is legalised, what do you think is going to happen? Is everyone going to get stoned?.......NO!


These days, if you want to get stoned, you buy some weed, it's that easy!


People who use cannabis will continue to do so. Nothing will change in terms of usage.


The only thing that will change, is that criminals will be taken out of the loop.


Everyone is a winner!


---------- Post added 27-04-2013 at 13:26 ----------


you don't seem to have realised that ordinary people of each social class and income level, in every country, right across the world, do not like people in their midst, taking drugs including marijuana. Whether you or I, like to smoke the odd spliff, is irrelevant.


I'm an ordinary person. My last tax bill was 50% of my earnings. I don't think I know ONE person that hasn't ever used drugs, most still use them.


Having said that, none of my friends are in financial difficulty, they are all professionals, and they all have complete control over when, where and how much drugs they take.


Maybe my circle of friends are the exception to the rule??


Or, maybe there are far more people use drugs than you will ever know, but you only ever hear about the negative things drugs do to people??


You would never hear a positive drug story on the news, would you?


---------- Post added 27-04-2013 at 13:29 ----------


I've no problem as long as there is a reliable test for someone stoned whilst driving.




While I believe that smoking while stoned is not as dangerous as drink driving, I would still welcome such a test.

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These days, if you want to get stoned, you buy some weed, it's that easy!
You say it like it hasn't been that way for decades!


Having said that, none of my friends are in financial difficulty, they are all professionals, and they all have complete control over when, where and how much drugs they take.


Maybe my circle of friends are the exception to the rule??

They aren't
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