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Drones being operated in UK attacking Afghanistan

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Why pussyfoot around? We should just go direct to thermonuclear war.


---------- Post added 30-04-2013 at 15:36 ----------


Sad as it is to see the list of children killed, it probably equates to the number of children (if not more0 who were left father/mother less in 9/11. For a nation of people who think nothing of sending youngsters out as suicide bombers...........


Yeah, it's not like the youngsters they send out as suicide bombers have been removed from their families, and fed on a diet of drugs and indoctrination and hate for the west for years and years, before being sent on their mission where someone else has the detonator and they're wrapped up with explosives.

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Freedom fighters or terrorists. In Sapin ther were two sides the Nationalists and the Republicans, Tens of thousands of civilians on both sides were killed for their political or religious views. Republican stated it was a struggle between tyranny and democracy, and by Nationalist stated between communist and anarchist "red hordes" and "Christian civilization".


"While Great Britain maintained a position of public neutrality, in private British leaders and diplomats favored a Franco victory over the Republic, which they regarded as pro-Communist." Great Britain and the United States, among other democracies, sent considerable material aid to Franco, The rebel group Nationists. was led by General Franco.


W. H. Auden- Republican, Laurie Lee -Republican, George Orwell - Republican a British volunteer and writer, James Robertson Justice- Republican, were some you might have heard of many who went to fight for the cause they believed in. By today’s noble standards, fighting against British interests would have classed them and the rest as terrorists.


Different times, different values, and today, the war against Islam, is really about the war to grab energy, where Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria, were and are outside of the influence of US corporate control, thus have to be taken by force. What you might not know is that in 2002 the CIA mobilizes the opposition to murder Hugo Chávez of Venezuela through organising a military coup. 2002, Why? All because of bring oil revenues under state control instead of USA corporations just taking it without having to pay more than kickbacks, for plundering the reserves. Who are the terrorists, who cause terrorism, who create the climate for terror?

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Some of the persons posting seem to feel that any military action being taken should be with the intention of bringing the terrorist activity to an end.


Respectfully, I believe this to be naïve. The action will need to be sustained for the foreseeable future. Foreseeable = a lifetime.


The enemy has no centralized leadership therefore there is no one to negotiate with. They have a fanatical belief in the rightness of their cause fuelled by religious perversion.


This will leave us with the choice of capitulating, or destroying the enemy.


This horrible dilemma must be faced, we cannot show weakness. Human history shows us the cost.


---------- Post added 30-04-2013 at 18:37 ----------


Freedom fighters or terrorists. In Sapin ther were two sides the Nationalists and the Republicans, Tens of thousands of civilians on both sides were killed for their political or religious views. Republican stated it was a struggle between tyranny and democracy, and by Nationalist stated between communist and anarchist "red hordes" and "Christian civilization".


"While Great Britain maintained a position of public neutrality, in private British leaders and diplomats favored a Franco victory over the Republic, which they regarded as pro-Communist." Great Britain and the United States, among other democracies, sent considerable material aid to Franco, The rebel group Nationists. was led by General Franco.


W. H. Auden- Republican, Laurie Lee -Republican, George Orwell - Republican a British volunteer and writer, James Robertson Justice- Republican, were some you might have heard of many who went to fight for the cause they believed in. By today’s noble standards, fighting against British interests would have classed them and the rest as terrorists.


Different times, different values, and today, the war against Islam, is really about the war to grab energy, where Libya, Iran, Iraq, Syria, were and are outside of the influence of US corporate control, thus have to be taken by force. What you might not know is that in 2002 the CIA mobilizes the opposition to murder Hugo Chávez of Venezuela through organising a military coup. 2002, Why? All because of bring oil revenues under state control instead of USA corporations just taking it without having to pay more than kickbacks, for plundering the reserves. Who are the terrorists, who cause terrorism, who create the climate for terror?


The greater fear at the time, was Communism. We could debate for ever the rights and wrongs of Stalin and Hitler.


The difference now is that the enemy is clearly defined. There is no doubt of their intention.


You may well be right about the CIA, but what kind of world do you want to live in? At least under western democracy we can exchange views on this forum, our wives and daughters enjoy equality and freedom.


If those the CIA target win, do you think it will be a better world?

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You may well be right about the CIA, but what kind of world do you want to live in? At least under western democracy we can exchange views on this forum, our wives and daughters enjoy equality and freedom.


Silly me. There's me thinking we invaded for the oil :roll:

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On the 4th of June I & two close friends will be visiting Luke Copse cemetery outside the town of Serre in France to pay a visit to the grave of my first cousin (once removed) who served in the 12th battalion (City of Sheffield) York & Lancs. He died on the 1st of July 1916 the first day of the Somme, he was 19.


I have nothing but respect for soldiers who are prepared to face the enemy &, if necessary, give their lives for a cause they believe in. However, sitting behind a keyboard, thousands of miles from danger & reigning death upon people, some of who are innocent, is the action of a coward, OK Buck? Is that distinction clear enough for you?

My grandfather Christopher Smart served in that same regiment for four years in the somme and at Ypres. During that time he got no leave, and in 1916 his wife, my grandmother died leaving five girls and one boy, the oldest girl 16 years old, and my mother 14, to take care of the rest. He was refused compassionate leave to attend to it, and ended up in Middlewood hospital for the rest of his life, I joined the navy in 1949, served in Korea, and at Suez, and Malaya for nearly 18 years. My Uncle Bill Esberger was RSM of the Yand Ls post war. So you can understand when I hear military people being called cowards. My son David was a Military policeman in Iraq, wounded by a bomb while travelling in his Humvee, which killed his buddy. He has been unable to work since. We do what we have to do, choose what the risk is. If I had the choice to pilot a drone instead of being in a foxhole facing tanks, I'd do it and risk being called a coward instead of a bloody fool.:)
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Attacks being targetted from UK airbases. Should this be done? What about protests? Are we for it or against it?


If it means our forces personnel being closer to home and family instead of operating in the US or elsewhere, I think that's good.

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My grandfather Christopher Smart served in that same regiment for four years in the somme and at Ypres. During that time he got no leave, and in 1916 his wife, my grandmother died leaving five girls and one boy, the oldest girl 16 years old, and my mother 14, to take care of the rest. He was refused compassionate leave to attend to it, and ended up in Middlewood hospital for the rest of his life, I joined the navy in 1949, served in Korea, and at Suez, and Malaya for nearly 18 years. My Uncle Bill Esberger was RSM of the Yand Ls post war. So you can understand when I hear military people being called cowards. My son David was a Military policeman in Iraq, wounded by a bomb while travelling in his Humvee, which killed his buddy. He has been unable to work since. We do what we have to do, choose what the risk is. If I had the choice to pilot a drone instead of being in a foxhole facing tanks, I'd do it and risk being called a coward instead of a bloody fool.:)


I didn't call military people - by which I mean soldiers, sailors & airmen - cowards, I have nothing but the greatest respect for them. What reason would I have for visiting my cousins grave if not out of respect?

I do not however, regard some nerd sat behind a keyboard thousands of miles from the action, who's only battle wound may be repetitive strain injury as a 'hero'.

The nerd is however only 'following orders' -a defence which 'cut no ice' at Nuremburg - The real villains of the piece are the politicians who sanction this behavior.


Whilst I admire the courage of the armed forces I can not help but feel they are used by the political class & big business as pawns in their insatiable greed for power & wealth.


In an earlier post I asked Harleyman to Google Smedley Butler of the US marine corps.

I would appreciate it if you would do likewise. Look at his Wikipedia page & scroll down to the section headed 'Lectures' & read his comments on the subject.

Major General Butler was a remarkable man & his opinions merit consideration.


Once you have read the comments I would be as interested in your view as I am that of Harlyman.

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I didn't call military people - by which I mean soldiers, sailors & airmen - cowards, I have nothing but the greatest respect for them. What reason would I have for visiting my cousins grave if not out of respect?

I do not however, regard some nerd sat behind a keyboard thousands of miles from the action, who's only battle wound may be repetitive strain injury as a 'hero'.

The nerd is however only 'following orders' -a defence which 'cut no ice' at Nuremburg - The real villains of the piece are the politicians who sanction this behavior.


Whilst I admire the courage of the armed forces I can not help but feel they are used by the political class & big business as pawns in their insatiable greed for power & wealth.


In an earlier post I asked Harleyman to Google Smedley Butler of the US marine corps.

I would appreciate it if you would do likewise. Look at his Wikipedia page & scroll down to the section headed 'Lectures' & read his comments on the subject.

Major General Butler was a remarkable man & his opinions merit consideration.


Once you have read the comments I would be as interested in your view as I am that of Harlyman.

I'll do that just as soon as I get out of work clothes. It's kind of warm today, and we're not used to it yet. I am bound to agree with much of what you're saying. But we are not in a position, while at arms, to refuse to do our job. It's mutiny and the brass doesn't like it. That's where we differ from much of SF. I spent most of my service on the flight decks of carriers, one of the most dangerous work places at sea. I had to send radio mechanics out to aircraft in trouible among spinniing props, and jet pipes, but I always went with them. none of them ever got hurt or killed. I would not have been able to keep doing it if I'd lost even one.
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