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Drones being operated in UK attacking Afghanistan

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The military action in Afghanistan was, surely, to prevent the takeover of the region by terrorists. This in response to 9/11. As the UK was subject to attack on 7/7. Why should we sit back and expect the Americans to do our fighting for us?


The military action in Afghanistan was as a direct response to the UN Security Council Resolution of 2001 et seq.


The Americans are't doing your fighting for you, nor do they think they are.

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Bin Laden targetted civilisation (western). He is a Wahabbi, an intolerant and increasingly deadly Muslim sect. The US did not arm him, they armed the Mujadadeen then fighting the Russians and a communist government in Kabul. Bin Laden had the money (earned as a Saudi supplying oil to the west) to infiltrate and influence the brave but naive fighters.


Bin Laden was a believer in muslim world domination as such he shared a mind set with all the other nut cases who throughout history have sought to impose their beliefs on others.


---------- Post added 28-04-2013 at 11:30 ----------



Yes I do, no response by the west to 9/11 would have led to the attack being perceived as a success and could easily have been a green light to nutters such as perpetrated 7/7.


At least by being in Afghanistan we are killing them on their ground rather than having to defend ourselves here.

Bin laden Targeted America,that is what came directly from his mouth.


And by being in Afghanistan,this has spread the real terrorists worldwide,how we gonna keep track of them now?

And considering these Boston terrorist's were brought to Americas attention,yet they still managed to do damage is quite worrying.

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I don't think WW2 is comparable with "war on terror".


I think Hitler’s ideology is comparable to that of some radical Muslims, and if they are given enough freedom to do as they want, they will try to do what Hitler did.

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I think Hitler’s ideology is comparable to that of some radical Muslims, and if they are given enough freedom to do as they want, they will try to do what Hitler did.


The ideology way be similar but the level of threat is no where near comparable.

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The ideology way be similar but the level of threat is no where near comparable.


There was a time when the threat from Hitler was nonexistent, yet look at what he managed in a very short time, all because we ignored his rise to power and his violations of the treaty of Versailles. We could have stopped him before he gained the capacity to start a war.

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Bin laden Targeted America,that is what came directly from his mouth.


And by being in Afghanistan,this has spread the real terrorists worldwide,how we gonna keep track of them now?

And considering these Boston terrorist's were brought to Americas attention,yet they still managed to do damage is quite worrying.


I agree it is worrying. Immigration control is a mess and there must be untold numbers of foreign students, many from Muslim countries who have overstayed their student visas. Obviously I'm not suggesting that all Muslim studenst may become radicalized but they are a group that should be screened more carefully

WE are bogged down and strangled with political correctness and were anyone in government to suggest such a move they would be immediately called a racist.

Why are they profiling Muslim students? The cry would go up. Well the answer to that is, for example students from China, Japan, Ireland and Italy are hardly likely to be exposed or to embrace Jihadist idealogy


We have around 745,000 foreign students at present and yet there are people born here who cant even get a place in university.


Dhokzar Tsarnaev the accused Boston bomber was drawing an allowance for his student digs in nearby Cambridge, needless to say funded by the good old taxpayer

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Hitler invaded the Sudetenland in (about) 1933/4. Many emminent historians believ that if the French and ourselves had taken him on then we would have won easily. He had not had the chance to build up the German armed forces.


As we tried to appease him, we gave him time to build up his strength. The result? The second world war and 50 million dead.


When we read that the redical Muslim threat is not comparable, remember , from the teachings of one man in the deserts of Arabia to the gates of Vienna in the 16th century the Muslim tide was massive.


it could be again.

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Disgusting how some folk are so gun hoe about bombing people homes in Asia with these drones .


And yes we have been bombing homes over the last 6 years or so of this drone war .


And yes majority of the people killed are women and children .



Strange ( or quite bloody obvious ). How the main stream press refuse too cover these bombings .


American military also deleted drone data so we may never no how many have been murdered ( for YOUR safety and THIER liberty )

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well, if that is the REAL answer, then its sad uh, young lads getting shot up so some big fat idle sod sat behind a desk can make some money, :huh:


War makes money,lots of money.Selling arms,drugs you name it.There will be more than one big fat idle sod behind a desk making money,fella.Russia and China will be making a fortune from their AK47 sales to Afganistan.

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