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Do Etonians produce best public servants?

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There are a number of threads on here criticising the public service and those who work for it, and their supposed affluence over others.


Here's a novel twist on the debate. Top adviser Mr. Norman says that the Government has the disproportionately high level of Etonians as that school is better at producing public servants.



Do you agree? Do people feel more comfortable with the Government having a high level of Etonians in the cabinet / advising it? Would people feel more confident in criticising the government if its members went to schools like City School in Sheffield?

Is it a coincidence that Eton produces such a high level of Government officials?

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Having been educated somewhere like Eton doesn't immediately make you bad or a Tory. Perry Anderson the Marxist and former editor of the New Left Review was educated there.


Mark Fisher former Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central was also educated at Eton along with David Rendel the former Lib Dem MP for Newbury.


Bear Grylls went there too, maybe thats where he developed a penchant for drinking his own urine.

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Do you mean public sector workers?


I doubt if many Sheffield council bureaucrats went to Eaton.


Possibly some of the consultants they hire in at £800 per day did.


No Jesse Norman referred to 'public service'. I don't think many ex members of Eton end up as Social Workers or CPNs


Personally I've no problem with people who went to Eton being in government, or being MPs, but there does seem to be a disproportionate number of them, relative to student from the state sector.

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Are Etonians best at serving the public or serving themselves.




They do have rather strange habits.

I was reading about the initiation rights of the Bullingdon club which included burning £50 notes in the face of a homeless person or beggar.

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