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Does God Exist?

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That doesn't make an awful lot of sense. We know for a fact that people exist because we can see them every day. We know you exist because you post on here. The details might be less than obvious (for example, you could be female, or Asian or actually a Satanist), but you're almost definitely real.


As for proving someone exists, everyone on the planet can be trace; unlike God, who cannot.


I'd love to believe in God, but the sheer evidence that he does not exist is overwhelming.

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As for proving someone exists, everyone on the planet can be trace; unlike God, who cannot.



Er, I think that is supposed to be the whole purpose- physically God is not seen but believed in through other means- some which are logical.


I'd love to believe in God, but the sheer evidence that he does not exist is overwhelming.


Which is what exactly- or to refer to one of your other posts, you state it is illogical to believe in God- with 'all the information available'.


What is this 'all information?

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He doesn't exist as far as you are concerned because you don't know him. Just as I don't love an unknown lady because although she does exist, I do not know of her existence. But she exists right enough although proving it will be extremely hard in fact impossible.



Grahame, you talk more bull than anyone on this forum, maybe even the entire internet! You are fighting a losing battle, go shove your Jesus novel where the sun doesn't shine!

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Er, I think that is supposed to be the whole purpose- physically God is not seen but believed in through other means- some which are logical.


I'm not sure there's any "logic" involved in believing in God. The whole process of faith is fundamentally illogical (other than from a purely emotional perspective, and emotions are perfectly logical).


Which is what exactly- or to refer to one of your other posts, you state it is illogical to believe in God- with 'all the information available'.


What is this 'all information?


I said I personally find it illogical to believe in God. And there's an overwhelming amount of evidence to the contrary.


The mere fact that man has been fabricating religions for sixty thousand years should say something.


No one believes in the Sun god any more - that, to us in this educated age, is simply ludicrous.


I do accept that for all the lack of evidence, it's still possible for God to exist in some form; I just think it's highly unlikely.

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Faith is not knowledge, knowledge is not faith. The Church is built on faith and the hope that there is a God. If God was to show Himself then it would destroy faith, thus destroying Himself. This means that there is no God because the moment He shows Himself, He ceases to be God-like and loses all power.

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no he doesnt.


and there is none.


end of thread?


If that is what you think, why do atheists constantly talk about God and even start threads about him.


Its like constantly going on about the Yeti, like it is an obsession, I wonder what Freud have said about such a fixation?


Edited by Grahame
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I very much doubt the Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster exists, but still people are desperate to believe in them...


The difference is, people have actually claimes to see the Yeti & the Loch Ness Monster. They even claim to have photographic evidence. Whilst the photos are most likely to be fake, it's still more reason to believe in these creatures than to believe in a god!

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I will say this once and once only


have a debate by all means, however


cease and desist with the personal attacks and insults


and cease and desist with the bad language


any more and I will start deleting posts and dealing with the posters

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