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Does God Exist?

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Are you familiar with the term 'putting the fear of god into them'? In my opinion religion is the only thing that stops humanity reaching its potential. If you really want to find god, the bible needs putting down for a start.


Humanity is the pits. Christianity is about love which if adhered to lifts people out of man-made troubles.

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Humanity is the pits. Christianity is about love which if adhered to lifts people out of man-made troubles.



Christianity is about control...it just fluffed it up with love and the prospect of the big "H".

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Humanity is the pits. Christianity is about love which if adhered to lifts people out of man-made troubles.

This is not entirely true, a lot of evil is done in 'gods name' and continues to be commited. Not just by Christianity, many religions. The majority of manmade troubles originate from Religion. Christians do a lot of good work out there, and i respect anyones personal choice to believe in whatever they choose, but to commit evils stating personal belifs as the fail safe in somehow justifying it is wrong.

You will find a lot of the bible is referenced with astromony and hand me down legends from older religions.

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Who is it that is not allowing you to have your beliefs?




This argument applies equally to almost any topic: Politics, taste in music, football teams, cooking methods, whether lone men should be allowed to sit next to children on flights, what and what isn't being unfaithful, views on the prison system, practically anything on the first page of the general discussions forum right now.


Are you saying that discussion between people with opposite viewpoints is completely pointless and should not be done, or are you saying religion is a special case?


Reading the threads on this post and other posts on religion, I think a lot of derogatory things are said against those who believe ie "I hate people like that", and "people must be crazy to believe in God" etc - I have no problem people discussing subjects but have found on the religious posts that it becomes almost personal - ie I must be a complete idiot to believe what I believe.


I think if the debate sticks to the subject then that's fine, I'm not offended by people not believing as I do, but I am offended when personally attacked.

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Too right it is because if you and your fellow atheists come on we know from the thousands of posts that have gone before what they will be saying and it isn't nice.


I can't understand how you can't see this attitude is deeply unhealthy.


As I said on the Mega Troll thread by Gordon Bennet about computer games, it's JUST a forum and the opinions on it are just that, opinions.


Reacting to them all as if it's a personal quest says more about you than the people you're attacking / defending.


Ultimately: slag off my mother or my waistline, I don't care, it's the internet!!!

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I am not having people denigrate Christianity.


Your utter certainty that there is god denigrates it.


Give me proof. Show me equations and experimental evidence that can be reproduced that gives me absolute proof that I can work throught myself so that I can prove to myself that what you say is beleivable

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I can't understand how you can't see this attitude is deeply unhealthy.


As I said on the Mega Troll thread by Gordon Bennet about computer games, it's JUST a forum and the opinions on it are just that, opinions.


Reacting to them all as if it's a personal quest says more about you than the people you're attacking / defending.


Ultimately: slag off my mother or my waistline, I don't care, it's the internet!!!


Are you seriously saying it is all-right to insult people and slag them off because it is only the internet?

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