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Does God Exist?

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The point I KEEP making is that it's the internet. What does it matter to YOU what other faceless people think?


It doesn't matter one whit to me!


But, with all respect, you have been JUST as bad when it comes to insults...


Doesn't the bible say something about let he without sin cast the first stone (or is that something about glass houses)?


Anyway, it's not a war.


I love so many people on this forum. They're brilliant! And there are some numpties.


But I see it exactly for what it is!


Summary: it doesn't matter and it's not worth all this stress :)


I hope you see what I'm trying to say. It's just a forum and not worth all this angst. I'm not going to reply again as I've said this 'till I'm blue in the face.


If you ever want to make friends, message me :)


Thanks for the offer Karis.


I try to show people that what they say is wrong, if it comes across that I am insulting them then I am sorry.

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I didnt mention Jesus, i mentioned the groups who do evil in Gods name


Doesn't it worry you that so many people do evil in god's name ?


What are they thinking about? How could your god allow them to do it? Surely if he existed it wouldn't be allowed would it?

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Doesn't it worry you that so many people do evil in god's name ?


What are they thinking about? How could your god allow them to do it? Surely if he existed it wouldn't be allowed would it?


We have dominion over the earth and it is our responsibility to use our supremacy responsibly. I think if people need to call on the name of god to justify their actions they are up to no good. A person whose intentions are honourable just gets on with it and they have no need to justify their actions.


Unfortunately there are many false god's including man's desire for power and wealth and those people worship at the throne of mammon who they call god and we think they are talking about the true God. They are deceivers and looking back in history we can often see who they were.


My personal desire, and I am sure it is the same with a lot of people is to have a true heart and to walk in paths of righteousness and I believe God will bless such people even though they will be tried and tested by those who do not have the same beliefs.


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Does God Exist and if so where is the proof?

No,and there is no proof.Neither will there ever be.

When we have PM's and presidents in the world that go to church as christians.,and have very strong connections with religion(probably just for publicity?IDK).And then go and create illigal wars against other counrtys/religions,,,,,sorry I mean errrr,terrorists.(because ofcourse anyone that doesnt agree with the whole scheme must be a terrorist).

I will NOT believe,,,,

When there are popes and priests worldwide that are kiddy fiddling under the disguise of the church.

I will NOT believe,,,,

When there are very good people dying everyday,and some very nasty horrible people living healthy and winning lottos .

I wil NOT believe.

War,famine,diseases,religion being the root of most wars.

Religion is no different to the crackpot cults that you see today,only difference is they have had many hundreds of years to turn into the greatest lies ever told.

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Does God Exist and if so where is the proof?

No,and there is no proof.Neither will there ever be.

When we have PM's and presidents in the world that go to church as christians.,and have very strong connections with religion(probably just for publicity?IDK).And then go and create illigal wars against other counrtys/religions,,,,,sorry I mean errrr,terrorists.(because ofcourse anyone that doesnt agree with the whole scheme must be a terrorist).

I will NOT believe,,,,

When there are popes and priests worldwide that are kiddy fiddling under the disguise of the church.

I will NOT believe,,,,

When there are very good people dying everyday,and some very nasty horrible people living healthy and winning lottos .

I wil NOT believe.

War,famine,diseases,religion being the root of most wars.

Religion is no different to the crackpot cults that you see today,only difference is they have had many hundreds of years to turn into the greatest lies ever told.


This is why you shouldn't look to man.

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I'll say this people who go to church bring their kids up a lot better than those who dont.


I have church going neighbours who have four kids and each one of them is well mannered and very well behaved.

My church going neighbour's eldest son has just been sent to jail for dealing. So perhaps it's having Harleyman as a neighbour that results in better behaved kids?


Alternatively, we could examine the evidence on studies of societies rather than a couple of neighbours?

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My church going neighbour's eldest son has just been sent to jail for dealing. So perhaps it's having Harleyman as a neighbour that results in better behaved kids?


Alternatively, we could examine the evidence on studies of societies rather than a couple of neighbours?


So that church going neighbor's bad assed kid negates the whole argument that kids who go to church are in general much better behaved than those who dont bother.

I happen to live in a town of some 55,000 people which is mostly conservative and with a large precentage of churchgoing people. Drunk teenagers and chavs are not part of the scenery on any day of the week happy to say

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I'll say this people who go to church bring their kids up a lot better than those who dont.


I have church going neighbours who have four kids and each one of them is well mannered and very well behaved.


Cos they is scared that Jesus is gonna roast them! On reflection, I wish I had messed up my kids heads and put the fear of god into them. Then they wouldn't be atheist, dyke, drug taking, Commie bitches.

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Cos they is scared that Jesus is gonna roast them! On reflection, I wish I had messed up my kids heads and put the fear of god into them. Then they wouldn't be atheist, dyke, drug taking, Commie bitches.



Then may I extend my deepest sympathies :D Lock the door, buy a shotgun and adopr a Doberman

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