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Does God Exist?

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Grahame, I fear that you and I have debated this issue enough over the last few days, so I will make just one point about your post...


"Because it says so in the bible" is not, never has been, and never will be considered 'evidence'. Hope this helps.


Sandie was asking a question about the Bible and basically she was asking if it was pie in the sky, but as we can see the Biblical account is precisely correct and I have said it before and I will say it again, indicates divine inspiration which is proof of God. :)

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im not religious and do not believe the bible is any evidence or that there is any evidence that God exits or exsisted but for some reason i believe something complex created us all but not nessercerily a God


You might be right, and if I can ask you, what would you call that 'something'?

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I haven't a clue. (Twelve pair each for male and female, just looked it up.)


So women don't have a 'spare rib'! I always thought they had more than men. I have an odd number of ribs. Eleven on one side and twelve on the other.

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I will make this one post and then I will finish because all this can be quite exhausting. :)


There were two Adams. In the creation account the first mention of adam is in Gen 1:27


Notice it says he created MAN and they were male and female. Man in this instance is 'humankind' and in the original Greek it is aw-dawm' but in our English Bible it has been translated as 'adam.' This is when 'man' (humans) first came into existence goodness knows how many millions of years ago.


Now millions of years later we come to Adam and Eve who are the parents of Cain and Able. This is the first time we meet Eve but as we have seen there was already male and female. Eve in the Hebrew is chavvah khav-vaw' which in English means 'life giver.'


This is where the Bible really begins about 6,000 years ago with Adam and Eve who are the parents of Cain and Able, and in the intervening millions of years after the creation account, the world is already well populated by this time.


There are two things I would like to say about the rib, one is that if someone lost a rib, their children would still have the full compliment.


The other thing is that personally I think where Eve (life giver) came out of aw-dawm, I think it is describing evolution, but that is only my view.


I hope that helps and you ask if there is one shred of evidence, well there is, and I hope I have presented it clearly. :)


So in answer to the OP, that'll be a "no" then.

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Do we have any proof of God, if we use the Bible as a yardstick men should have 1 less rib than women untrue.

Ho saw Adam eat the apple with Eve and wrote it down. Is there one shread of evidence to back up the old testiment or indeed the new testiment.


I think not


We can neither prove or disprove God's existence. God may or may not exist.

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