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Does God Exist?

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Do we have any proof of God, if we use the Bible as a yardstick men should have 1 less rib than women untrue.

Ho saw Adam eat the apple with Eve and wrote it down. Is there one shread of evidence to back up the old testiment or indeed the new testiment.


I think not


What difference does it make?

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Now what does this have to do with god?


It does not matter ether way really, whatever god was the future is now ours. God and science both teach to be nice to each other and both fail to prevent war and suffering around the world.

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I'll say this people who go to church bring their kids up a lot better than those who dont.


I have church going neighbours who have four kids and each one of them is well mannered and very well behaved.

They're probably too traumatised by being abused by the priest to do anything at all, never mind misbehave.

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God or not the Ten Commandments in as much as it is humanly possible to follow them are not a half bad guide to living one's life. I'm not especially religious but at least I realise that

Never heard of the golden rule?


Half the 10 com's. are about kowtowing to imaginary magic man anyhow. See how they can be abridged here...



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You talk of the Christian faith as that being the exclusive domain of the Catholic and Anglican churches. There are many christian churches of countless denominations which continue to thrive in communities across America and the catholic church is still strong in south America.

True. There are upwards of 38,000 different christian denominations all claiming the others are wrong. Taking Pascal's wager could be trickier than it seems if you've picked the wrong one. And even then you might find heaven's receptionist is wearing a burqua!


A lot of people who are nominally christians dont bother going to church but if one day Armageddon strikes they'll all be praying to high heaven for Jesus to save them.

...and omniscient magic man won't see through their duplicity?:hihi:



You cant always base the belief that christianity is dying on half empty churches. Countless people say their prayers every night and never set foot in a church for years :D

...and countless people don't. Gosh! Isn't it easy to make up blind assertions.


Suppose I say that no more than 8 people say their prayers every night and never set foot in a church for years. Can you prove me wrong?





None of this addresses the OP. The number of believers in X can in no way provide evidence that X exists.

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All the replies have been informative, but I will ask the question again is there one shred of material evidence that the accounts in the Bible ever happened.

We find artifacts from the BC period, but not one from the Ark, the cross, the tablet of stone with the Comandments etc.


How are we to accept a book of fairy stories without any proof of events.

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