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Does God Exist?

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All the replies have been informative, but I will ask the question again is there one shred of material evidence that the accounts in the Bible ever happened.

We find artifacts from the BC period, but not one from the Ark, the cross, the tablet of stone with the Comandments etc.


How are we to accept a book of fairy stories without any proof of events.


Archaeology might help,



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God or not the Ten Commandments in as much as it is humanly possible to follow them are not a half bad guide to living one's life. I'm not especially religious but at least I realise that

Four of the commandments refer to how much you should kiss god's arse, two of them refer to slaves without saying "thou shalt not have slaves" and none of them forbids rape or paedophilia.


I don't think we need religion as a basis for moral values.

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But it won't though will it Grahame? Because there never was an Arc or a tablet with the 10 commandments.


Lots of people on here think of themselves as academics or scientists and what is the one thing these people do not do? They do not dismiss evidence.


You have been asking for evidence and now you have got it.

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Lots of people on here think of themselves as academics or scientists and what is the one thing these people do not do? They do not dismiss evidence.


You have been asking for evidence and now you have got it.


So where is your evidence, there is not 1 item of evidence that backs up the Bible, forget the reports of visions etc where is the tangable proof.

People go to church and other places of worship with a blind beleif that this book called the Bible and it's contents are 100% correct. Wake up and smell the coffee, it is a book written by so called scribes and their version of events and translated many times.

The 10 Commandments were cast in stone and knowhere to be seen, but accounts that were made on scrolls have existed.

Which do you think would last the test of time paper or stone.

It is difficult to dismiss evidence that is not there

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Four of the commandments refer to how much you should kiss god's arse, two of them refer to slaves without saying "thou shalt not have slaves" and none of them forbids rape or paedophilia.


I don't think we need religion as a basis for moral values.


Our sense of morality today, of what is 'good' and 'evil' is shaped entirely by religious teachings.

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