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Does God Exist?

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i think the atheists on here haven't had a good thread in a while to annoy grahame.


It's much more fun when other religious people join in. Grahame may be completely off his rocker, but at least he's got the balls to try and defend his faith.

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It's much more fun when other religious people join in. Grahame may be completely off his rocker, but at least he's got the balls to try and defend his faith.


I am not a religious man, but I have never had problems with people who have beliefs unless their beliefs condemn, exclude and dismiss others. Christianity does not do that.

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I only ever went to court once on jury duty. It was good fun. It was two shootings.:D


I did jury service once and it was interesting I agree. These two youngsters were accused of causing an affray by attacking a group of burly miners. You can tell how long ago it was. We all thought it should have been the miners in the dock and the police got it wrong way round.


People do the same on religious threads as well and get it the wrong way round and if I was on jury service on this, I would believe God over anyone.


Now perhaps the atheists will give it a rest?

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You were talking about male priests and male children.


Not necessarily (the male priests also abused females, as did some of the nuns).


The OP was right. You do have a way OTT fixation on homosexuality.


i think the atheists on here haven't had a good thread in a while to annoy grahame.


I've pretty much given up trying to engage in discussion with him as it is as pointless as a non-pointy thing that has won first prize in a non-pointy competition.

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Were talking reality here, or at least I am. How many thousands of years are we going back. I presume you have looked at the website I pointed to? There is enough evidence there to hang a man ten times over if this was a court case.


I am not sure which part of the planet you come from. You seem to have a blind faith and all that do not accept your beleif's are idiots.


If the God you perceive is all carering and merciful and looks after al his subjects, then tell me why he allows children to die, causes floods and earthquakes where 100 of thousands die.


1000,s of so called places of worship have been built and are called the house of God, I will go back to my original question provide proof that all those people have not been conned by word of mouth.


Where is the proof, or am I classed as a doubting Thomas.


The Bible is a selective book of stories which can not be validated, and is a very small sample of all that was wrote around 10% of all documentation ever wrote.

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I dont think people dispute the existence of Sodom and Gomorroh, they dispute the fact it was destroyed by a god.

A recent poster told of a tv programme that said it was a meteor strike. Ive recently seen a programme (Ancient Apocalypse. i think it was called) that put forward the theory that it was an earthquake that did the deed, Geology showed the extent of tectonic shift in the dead sea area where the cities are purported to have been. The asked why the cities were located in such an inhospitable area, it was theorised that trade was the reason. The area has high concentrations of a pitch like substance that was used in industry at that time. No archeological evidence was found because the earthquake liquidised the area the cities were built on. the high concentrations of flammable pitch added to the disaster anything that didn't sink was burnt.

Terrifying to the inhabitants as the landscape would seem to be burning. It would seem to them a god had done it. But a natural disaster all the same

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