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Does God Exist?

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You see, what you are doing now is constructing your own philosophy around your own personal likes and dislikes.

You see, what you are doing is constucting your own philosophy around others' personal likes and dislikes.



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Ok Grahame leave it with me. By the way, stop it at once,


You know I am watching!

Thank you god for the unbeliever who confirmed tonight that Sodom and Gomorrah really did happen, it has given my faith a tremendous boost. Now will you tell all these people to stop talking rubbish and to stop taking your name in vain, thank you god.
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Ok Grahame leave it with me. By the way, stop it at once,


You know I am watching!



They also confirmed that he did turn water into wine !! But it involved a few grapes and some sugar.

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Absolute rubbish!


How so John?


Atheism embraces the belief in evil without acknowledging or even bothering to investigate its origins which is a basic requirement in a debate of this nature.


The rest of your post does not tackle the debate- its your own view.

Edited by Baz1
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I am an Athiest when it comes to religion but I have never knowingly killed a creature, I have never hurt my fellow man and every day, I think about the welfare of others and hope that one day there will be world peace. I do regular charity work and help my friends and people on the street who are in need of assistance.


Am I a bad or 'evil' person for simply believing in the theory of Evolution and completely believing that there are simply good and bad in every race, sexuality, religion and background?


Am I also 'evil' for never having felt the need to believe in a God when we have so much in the universe that is not explainable at our current level of understanding? I have always turned to my fellow man or woman when I needed help, they may not be 'divine' but if we paid more attention to our fellow man than spreading the words of our religion then surely the world would be a better place?


These are genuine questions I would like answering, if you have time believers.



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The trick is this, if after you die you wake up in heaven and realise you were wrong and that god does exist, it wont matter. For if he does love us all and forgives us out trespasses then he will smile and welcome you.


Live a good life, you wont go wrong.


I am an Athiest when it comes to religion but I have never knowingly killed a creature, I have never hurt my fellow man and every day, I think about the welfare of others and hope that one day there will be world peace. I do regular charity work and help my friends and people on the street who are in need of assistance.


Am I a bad or 'evil' person for simply believing in the theory of Evolution and completely believing that there are simply good and bad in every race, sexuality, religion and background?


Am I also 'evil' for never having felt the need to believe in a God when we have so much in the universe that is not explainable at our current level of understanding? I have always turned to my fellow man or woman when I needed help, they may not be 'divine' but if we paid more attention to our fellow man than spreading the words of our religion then surely the world would be a better place?


These are genuine questions I would like answering, if you have time believers.



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I am an Athiest when it comes to religion but I have never knowingly killed a creature, I have never hurt my fellow man and every day, I think about the welfare of others and hope that one day there will be world peace. I do regular charity work and help my friends and people on the street who are in need of assistance.


Am I a bad or 'evil' person for simply believing in the theory of Evolution and completely believing that there are simply good and bad in every race, sexuality, religion and background?


Am I also 'evil' for never having felt the need to believe in a God when we have so much in the universe that is not explainable at our current level of understanding? I have always turned to my fellow man or woman when I needed help, they may not be 'divine' but if we paid more attention to our fellow man than spreading the words of our religion then surely the world would be a better place?


These are genuine questions I would like answering, if you have time believers.




Just quickly let me say that you sound like a very nice person, who is far from evil and of course there are many millions of lovely people like you.


Let’s apply the gold standard. My understanding is that 24-carat gold is 99.9% pure gold and although our lives might be 99.9% perfect there is still some dross in there and it doesn’t matter how hard we try we can never be 100% perfect.


Many people are happy with 18 carat gold lives some with 9 carat gold lives and a lot just don’t care.


Suffice it to say that no one can ever be perfect, but I believe our sins can be forgiven and more than that totally blotted out as though they had never existed.


This is called justification and is similar to when someone stands in the dock and the judge after a lot of consideration says “I find no fault with this person, you are free to go and furthermore I order that the charges against you are deleted from the records.”


This means everything is wiped out and our lives become pure and perfect in the sight of God, because it is he who is our judge. Only He can forgive us and redeem us from our sins and I wish you every blessing in your life.



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