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Does God Exist?

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Out of curiosity are there any Christians who have children who are atheists on here? If so and there is a God, how do they deal with the fact that when they go to heaven their children will suffer in hell for all eternity because they didn't accept.

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mercenary you trying to say that freemasons dont exist, if so then why do i constantly see their pay per impression advertising on my facebook page sporadically?


and if you care to research most influential people in the west are 33 degree or honorary 33 degree masons


ignorance is not intelligence

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mercenary may i ask you to elaborate on your post


No problem.


even freemasons acknowlege that there is a supreme architect for the universe and their forebarers were the leading scientists who shunned religion.


And what does this prove exactly? Since when did freemasons have all the answers?


I just see it like this, your bodies internal temperature is 37 degrees, even a 3 degree adjustment either way will leave you for worse, maybe dead.


If god didnt create that I dont know what did


Easy, that is how we evolved. Other species have evolved to live at higher and lower temperatures than humans. You might as well say that a giant space potatoe created our internal body temperatures, it has the same amount of evidence as your idea that a 'god' did.

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madnbad what are you ranting about, i was just trying to say that look at how delicate our internal organs are, some being must have been the architect of humans


we didnt just come out of thin air i mean some people claim to be rational logical etc but then seem to think that the complex human evolved from a primordial soup


also if Darwins theory was so correct, why cant we see partial evolution in some of the present monkey species



So...you argue the complexity of man cannot be due to evolution but believe that same complexity was created by a pixie:huh:


Why would a "God" feel it necessary to make things complex? considering he had the power to knock it up in a few days. Evolution by default is complex considering the time span from the big bang until the present.

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also if Darwins theory was so correct, why cant we see partial evolution in some of the present monkey species


Possibly because we evolved from apes, not monkeys?


I have to ask you a hypothetical question- if you had to have life-saving surgery would you prefer a prehistoric doctor with prehistoric tools or a modern day surgeon with a fully equipped surgery?


Why would you accept the ideas of prehistoric people's on the creation of man over the evolutionary ideas of a brilliant modern day scientist?

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also in regards to your surgeon question, see it as antique furniture made by master craftsman compared to the new MFI chipboard mass produced production line numbered garbage


atheism = MFI

abrahamic religions= antique

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