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Does God Exist?

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True, but so has the ostrich and that isn't extinct- what exactly are you trying to prove with this?


In the beginning they could fly so they were created perfect, but now they are evolving backward, i.e. evolution is regressive.

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Grahame, you do know that it's impossible to evolve backwards because time only ever moves forwards don't you?


If a bird loses the ability to fly over time it's because they have devised a survival strategy that is so advantageous that it no longer requires them to fly.


In absolutely no sense of the word is it due to regression. Regression only happens in societies when something catastrophic happens, like a collapse in economy that means people have to focus upon survival rather than reading and writing for example. Even in this case, society is actually still evolving or adapting to better suit its needs.

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Grahame, you do know that it's impossible to evolve backwards because time only ever moves forwards don't you?


If a bird loses the ability to fly over time it's because they have devised a survival strategy that is so advantageous that it no longer requires them to fly.


In absolutely no sense of the word is it due to regression. Regression only happens in societies when something catastrophic happens, like a collapse in economy that means people have to focus upon survival rather than reading and writing for example. Even in this case, society is actually still evolving or adapting to better suit its needs.


If you don't use it you loose it, so they say. It seems true here. Perhaps I used the wrong word but species are dying out and it isn't entirely due to man.


I have forgotten what the thrust was now. Bed calls.

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If you don't use it you loose it, so they say. It seems true here. Perhaps I used the wrong word but species are dying out and it isn't entirely due to man.


I have forgotten what the thrust was now. Bed calls.


OK I see now where you were coming from in this. You were talking about regressive genes, my bad I should have realised what you meant.


Regressive genes occur when a species evolves in such a way that they no longer require a certain physiological characteristic such as flight, or sight etc. It doesn't mean that they are evolving backwards though, it just means that the adaptation they have made has been so successful that that feature is no longer needed.


The genome of human body hair has undergone regressive change over the past 8 million years because we've created clothes and shelter which has replaced the necessity for all-over hair. It doesn't mean that we've evolved backwards though, I hope you can see that.

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