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Does God Exist?

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Well...............This just proves that you don't know what you are talking about! "Unicorn existed"???? Maybe in one of your god books it did!:loopy:


I will go with Aristotle and others who spoke of one horned animals. It just goes to prove people believe what they want. If you don't believe in God then that is your privilege but if there is evidence of one horned animals that people called unicorns then I will go with their evidence the same as I do with God.


If you want to reject evidence then that is your prerogative, but please don't expect people to disregard things just because you don't agree.



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Well in the King James Bible the English word unicorn occurs nine times and is found in Numbers 23:22; 24:8; Deut. 33:17; Job 39:9,10; Psalms 22:21; 29:6; 92:10; and Isaiah 34:7.


There are also bears who eat 42 children in one sitting in the Bible. :)


They mauled the children and as I say there is evidence of one horned animals which people called unicorns.


Your rejection of history does you no credit.

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;6455763']Design by natural selection. The operative word here is selection which is the exact opposite word of chance.


So we agree on design. Getting there. :)


The next question which is so often asked by atheists, is where did the first one come from?

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They mauled the children and as I say there is evidence of one horned animals which people called unicorns.


Your rejection of history does you no credit.


Why would you believe what Aristocle and the Bible says about unicorns but not what Buddhists say about Buddha or what the Vikings said about Thor? Actually you don't need to answer that as it is clear; you just believe in things that support your already entrenched viewpoint.

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I will go with Aristotle and others who spoke of one horned animals. It just goes to prove people believe what they want. If you don't believe in God then that is your privilege but if there is evidence of one horned animals that people called unicorns then I will go with their evidence the same as I do with God.


If you want to reject evidence then that is your prerogative, but please don't expect people to disregard things just because you don't agree.




I'm not rejecting evidence! Once again, show me the proof & I will believe you. If Unicorns existed, why have they not found any fossils?

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Why would you believe what Aristocle and the Bible says about unicorns but not what Buddhists say about Buddha or what the Vikings said about Thor? Actually you don't need to answer that as it is clear; you just believe in things that support your already entrenched viewpoint.


We have to weigh things in the balance don't we. Aristocle (and others) were reliable witnesses and we know Thor was mythical.



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Well there have been many replies to my post and unfortunatly not 1 item of proof. Forget the scriptures and the Bible that is not proof, some will call it faith, but where is the evidence that the events took place and the answer is there is none.

Information on the net is not proof, I take a seed and plant it in my garden if I dont water it it dies, if I have person who is sick without medical care they die.

Where is this so called God who is all careing and looks after his subjects, nowhere.


Lets be frank we do not know if God exists or not, if he does why does he let children and adults die, or have we been brainwashed by those who teach religion.


The word God is the "unique supreme bieng creator and ruler of the universe who has power over nature and humanity"


He is not living up to his name we have disaster after disaster where his he "nowhere.


Prove me wrong and show me proof

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