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Does God Exist?

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Does god exist? No-one actually knows


Where is the proof? Theres isn't any - but how would you go about trying to produce a scientific (presumably) proof of the existance of a supernatural being?


If god does not and cannot have any effect on the physical world then to all intents and purposes he doesn't exist, there is certainly no point whatsoever in devoting your life to worshiping it.

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Except science and the Bible agree.


(Must go, people are talking rubbish.)


Seriously Graham. No. No they don't.


Nowhere in any science book will you find any demonstrable evidence of any kind of divine being.


And THAT is the bone of contention I have here. I know you have your faith but comparing the possible existence of God to the demonstrable evidence in a book is just ludicrous.


The most you can hope for is to say that the Bible might be true. But you have to accept that it's almost certainly a collection of stories and legends stolen from previously existing religions.


If you believe, that's brilliant. We all have to believe in something, but there's no relation between scientific evidence and the stories in the Bible (AKA there's not one part of the Bible which can be scientifically verified).



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Seriously Graham. No. No they don't.


Nowhere in any science book will you find any demonstrable evidence of any kind of divine being.


And THAT is the bone of contention I have here. I know you have your faith but comparing the possible existence of God to the demonstrable evidence in a book is just ludicrous.


The most you can hope for is to say that the Bible might be true. But you have to accept that it's almost certainly a collection of stories and legends stolen from previously existing religions.


If you believe, that's brilliant. We all have to believe in something, but there's no relation between scientific evidence and the stories in the Bible (AKA there's not one part of the Bible which can be scientifically verified).




I was saying that as far as the physical world in concerned, science confirms the Bible which can only mean the Bible is divinely inspired and there is your proof of God.

Edited by Grahame
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Do we have any proof of God, if we use the Bible as a yardstick men should have 1 less rib than women untrue.

Ho saw Adam eat the apple with Eve and wrote it down. Is there one shread of evidence to back up the old testiment or indeed the new testiment.


I think not


Why do people keep starting these threads about God - if you don't believe fine, we do believe, fine - let's just leave it at that!


lol and you say we shove religion down your throat!

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Thanks for all the replys and comments, but the Bible is a book of words put together from those documents that survived, a small % of the ones that were destroyed.

To take what is in this book as gospel and 100% correct is stupid.

I will go back to my original question, where is the proof that God exists. Where is the Ark, the Cross, the tablet with the 10 commandments, the burning bush and many more.


The answer is they dont exist, going back who said God created the world in 7 days? who was there to witness the event the answer is nobody, the bible is a book of fairy stories.

I will agree that there is a superior force out there, but please do not try and insult me and say all that is written in the Bible is fact and we should obey it. It is a good yardstick of how to conduct our lives, but it is not fact.

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Why do people keep starting these threads about God - if you don't believe fine, we do believe, fine - let's just leave it at that!


lol and you say we shove religion down your throat!

Why do people keep starting these threads about god, writing books about god, starting radio and tv channels about god, knocking on my door to tell me about god, killing themselves and others in the name of god, finance schools using my money to tell children about god, tell me what I can do because of their god - if you believe fine, we don't believe, fine - yes really can we just leave it at that?

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Why do people keep starting these threads about God - if you don't believe fine, we do believe, fine - let's just leave it at that!


lol and you say we shove religion down your throat!


I'm not shoving anything. I just find the whole 'belief in a god' thing fascinating. Humans are complex beings.


Spirituality is one thing but there's the various organised religions that like to tell people what they can and can't do in bed and who they can and can't do it to.

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You talk <swearing removed> Grahame.


"Science acknowledges the Bible and therefore the Bible is divinely inspired"


LMFAO. Ofcourse Science acknowledges the Bible. Scientists at least have the respect to appreciate some people have faith and beliefs. The Bible exists, a majority of people believe in God and the Bible is a physical thing related to him.


Just because Science acknowledges something doesn't mean that thing is divinely inspired and confirms the existence of God. Not at all. Not even slightly.


Talk more <swearing removed>please.


It appears you are being smothered here a little Grahame. Maybe peoples points here are starting to get through to that thick skull of yours and you're giving up?

Edited by esme
swearing removed
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