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Does God Exist?

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Im not questioning religion or faith. I acknowledge that people need to feel like there is an answer because not knowing is scary.


But religion was created by man. There is no evidence that there is a higher being.


Stories or fables from 2000 years ago that were put into a book called the bible and is called the word of god.


I just prefer the proven atoms & molecules theory on the creation of life.

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Same as other religions? Which religions refer to maths and physics? A religion doesn't have to have a name, does it? If you really need a name how about Flashstarter? Now you're asking which religion is the right one. To reapply my original quesrtion, what do you mean by the word "right"? Right for you, universally right for everyone, what?


Assuming that you follow a god, why did you choose that one?


Considering there are around 3000 historically referenced gods it must have been a difficult choice.

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Theres a god cause we're here? Convenient answer and not really proof.


And thats your opinion isnt it.


well yes :)



Not a booming voice from the sky.


Thats my point.


do you want a booming voice?


and why does it have to be from the sky?

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But early in my adult years i came to the conclusion that god was created by man is a pretty archaic theory on the universe & the creation of life.

I was brought up a Christian. Then I heard the Theory of Evolution and thought it left no room for God.

Then I realised I was wrong. Evolution and God are not mutually incompatible, although clearly the depiction of God in the Bible, and likely most other religious texts is quite wrong.


More recently I gave the matter some serious consideration, and I came to the firm and definite conclusion that God may or may not exist, but more importantly that it doesn't matter either way.

If God exists and demands worship, then he is not a god worthy of attention.

Most likely thing, if he exists, is that he is either run ragged or he has given up trying; either way, there is not much use praying for help.



There is not one piece of evidence that god exists...


Does anyone have proof cause id love to hear it?

Consider evolution.

We can all see how a progressive development can evolve, but there are quite a few evolutionary leaps that are hard to explain, (though none leap to mind just now), and some incredibly improbable organisms that really stretch belief in evolution... zombie ants and tongue lice for example.


Science tells us that this planet is roughly 4 billion years old. Is that really long enough for life to have evolved from nothing up to the complexities that we have today?

Evolution works by random mutation. We are all familiar with the infinite number of monkeys and their version of Shakespeare, but that only works with infinities, if we only had 20 million billion monkeys and they had started at the beginning of time, then they would probably have managed only a sentence or two by now.

If someone was to actually work out the numbers and calculate the probability of evolution proceeding at the rate it has done then that could be fairly strong evidence of the existence or otherwise of God.

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So with so many religions, gods & beliefs.


Which one is the right one?


depends how you define "right".


there is one universe so there must be one creator or set of creators (or none if that floats your boat).


the various pantheons are ways which we mere mortals try to connect to the creator but filtered by our perceptions and needs.


for example, an agrarian community in the middle of a continent has no need of sea gods but a need for all sorts of weather and nature deities whereas a nautical community needs sea deities in abundance.


an alternative way of looking at it is the old three blind men feeling an elephant. each sees a different bit which colours their perception of the whole. it's only when you combine all three perceptions does the situation become clear.


---------- Post added 28-04-2013 at 19:15 ----------


Good point.


Who gives AIDS to babies?


infection by the HIV virus, no deities are required or expected

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