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Does God Exist?

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I was brought up a Christian. Then I heard the Theory of Evolution and thought it left no room for God.

Then I realised I was wrong. Evolution and God are not mutually incompatible, although clearly the depiction of God in the Bible, and likely most other religious texts is quite wrong.


More recently I gave the matter some serious consideration, and I came to the firm and definite conclusion that God may or may not exist, but more importantly that it doesn't matter either way.

If God exists and demands worship, then he is not a god worthy of attention.

Most likely thing, if he exists, is that he is either run ragged or he has given up trying; either way, there is not much use praying for help.




Consider evolution.

We can all see how a progressive development can evolve, but there are quite a few evolutionary leaps that are hard to explain, (though none leap to mind just now), and some incredibly improbable organisms that really stretch belief in evolution... zombie ants and tongue lice for example.


Science tells us that this planet is roughly 4 billion years old. Is that really long enough for life to have evolved from nothing up to the complexities that we have today?

Evolution works by random mutation. We are all familiar with the infinite number of monkeys and their version of Shakespeare, but that only works with infinities, if we only had 20 million billion monkeys and they had started at the beginning of time, then they would probably have managed only a sentence or two by now.

If someone was to actually work out the numbers and calculate the probability of evolution proceeding at the rate it has done then that could be fairly strong evidence of the existence or otherwise of God.


Well he seemed to be around alot 2000 years ago. According to the bible there wasnt a day that didnt pass that someone had a vision or was spoken to by god. He parted the seas for Moses.


Now i know that its not really a written account of history but we havent really seen much of him for a while.


If you look at Muslim extremists that believe that they will be rewarded in heaven if they are martyred. Who told them that?


Its ridiculous

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I was brought up a Christian. Then I heard the Theory of Evolution and thought it left no room for God.

Then I realised I was wrong. Evolution and God are not mutually incompatible, although clearly the depiction of God in the Bible, and likely most other religious texts is quite wrong.


More recently I gave the matter some serious consideration, and I came to the firm and definite conclusion that God may or may not exist, but more importantly that it doesn't matter either way.

If God exists and demands worship, then he is not a god worthy of attention.

Most likely thing, if he exists, is that he is either run ragged or he has given up trying; either way, there is not much use praying for help.




Consider evolution.

We can all see how a progressive development can evolve, but there are quite a few evolutionary leaps that are hard to explain, (though none leap to mind just now), and some incredibly improbable organisms that really stretch belief in evolution... zombie ants and tongue lice for example.


Science tells us that this planet is roughly 4 billion years old. Is that really long enough for life to have evolved from nothing up to the complexities that we have today?

Evolution works by random mutation. We are all familiar with the infinite number of monkeys and their version of Shakespeare, but that only works with infinities, if we only had 20 million billion monkeys and they had started at the beginning of time, then they would probably have managed only a sentence or two by now.

If someone was to actually work out the numbers and calculate the probability of evolution proceeding at the rate it has done then that could be fairly strong evidence of the existence or otherwise of God.


Sounds very much like an argument from incredulity to me.

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What about the parasitical grub that lives in a child's eye in Africa, eventually turning them blind. Was that created?


if we were created then that was created.


though i suppose it depends what you mean by created....


i'd offer you two alternatives, though there probably are others......


a)us, and the rest of the universe are the result of an few days work with celestial meccano and play doh then thats fine


b)the universe is a result of a creator who wrote the laws of physics in such a way that the universe would be long lived enough and stable enough to allow life to appear and for evolution to produce us and parasitic worms.

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Awww, did it go over your head?


That's a shame, you've let yourself down a little there.


---------- Post added 28-04-2013 at 19:33 ----------


if we were created then that was created.


though i suppose it depends what you mean by created....


i'd offer you two alternatives, though there probably are others......


a)us, and the rest of the universe are the result of an few days work with celestial meccano and play doh then thats fine


b)the universe is a result of a creator who wrote the laws of physics in such a way that the universe would be long lived enough and stable enough to allow life to appear and for evolution to produce us and parasitic worms.


So despite all the discoveries in cosmology and particle physics, you actually think that's the case?


---------- Post added 28-04-2013 at 19:36 ----------


probably, but ultimately you either believe that there is a creator or believe that there isn't


Forgive for assuming that you believe there's a creator, what made you come to that conclusion?

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Im not questioning religion or faith. I acknowledge that people need to feel like there is an answer because not knowing is scary.


But religion was created by man. There is no evidence that there is a higher being.


Stories or fables from 2000 years ago that were put into a book called the bible and is called the word of god.


I just prefer the proven atoms & molecules theory on the creation of life.

I would love to know more about your proven atoms and molecules theory and how the theory proves there isn't a divine creator of the universe?
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