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Does God Exist?

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OK if you're going to start with evolution but which atoms and molecules theory is that? The theory that they are a sort of state change from early light's high vibrational energy into sub atomic particles such as electrons and all the others in the standard model including the Higgs boson? OK then, in this theory that you prefer, where did the light energy come from? Was it the big bang? OK then, where did the energy in the big bang come from? Does this theory that you say you prefer really tell us how the big bang's energy was created? No it doesn't, so is that why your question starts from evolution and not from the big bang? I can see you're definately not stupid because you've chosen the easy option. You've started in the middle of the story and if you do get an answer it won't tell you what came before and how it happened before. Also, I don't think there is a complete theory of how atoms and molecules drive evolution. If I'm wrong please tell me what it's called and I'll look it up.


The energy that drove the Big Bang is something we don't really have a consensus on yet. The leading idea as far as I know is the 'inflationary universe' theory. However, just because we don't fully understand something doesn't mean we have to revert to some creationist theory. I know you haven't suggested that we do btw.

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I wish the mods would put the kibosh on threads like these like they do with the conspiracy threads (which I like!). Is there a god ? Actual definative, and indeed only answer is "I don't know". You can add "I believe there is" or "I don't think there is" but until you die nobody knows. We could assend and wear dodgy knit ware like they do in stargate. It good be proper pearly gates or a Muslim variety, hindu or even ancient Greek. But we don't know. You can argue the pros and cons of organised religion. You can even ask these hardcore American Christian types who admit to god talking to them, (some scarily in positions of power) what god sounds like (I like to think he sounds like Leonard nimoy).


But to answer the question, is there a god the only answer is I don't know.


Look at that. Asked and answered.



I don't think they necessarily need closing but there's at least 4 of these threads which could be merged together

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Even though you haven't really answered the question i will move past it.


I believe that there was a man called Jesus who lived 2000 years ago but was he the son of god?


He made some very bold claims. Statements that even you Janie would not believe but because its from the past when you cant question it adds validity?


Jesus was a very brave & im sure wise man. But still a man. A man that even in his most painful moment and the end of his life was not saved by his father the almighty god.


Was that because he wasnt there, because he didnt exist?


Maybe Jesus regretted some of the things he said because god didnt come to his rescue.


But we'll never know, because he died like man. At the hand of man.


Forgive me if I am wrong , but I thought you said in the first instant that you was conversant with the bible . That being the case you , I am sure , would be aware that Christ died on the cross in order to fulfill the prophesy of the forgiveness of the original sin .Thereby , in baptismal rights , we are all forgiven for the wrongs of Adam and Eve . That being the case God didn't

abandon his son .

You seem to be somewhat confused between belief and faith , which have two different connotations . You can have a belief in something , born out of overwhelming evidence but have no faith in it . On the other hand you can have faith in something born out of a desire to understand and be open minded about it .

You also say that Jesus may have been a wise and brave man ,but that he died at the hands of man . That being the case , you would acknowledge that it was man and not God who was responsible for his death .

In all that you have been saying , about children under five dying and suffering needlessly , seems to me to be as the result of greed and disregard by mankind . Hardly by the hand of any God when he advocates the care and love of the innocent and the meek.

You enjoy quoting about what evolution and science tells you is a proven fact at the time . Science and evolution has been proven to to be right at the time , but subsequently proven wrong by new evidence . No scientific evidence has been written in stone - Unlike the two tablets brought down by Moses 3000 years ago .

I still put my faith in God and what he teaches us , rather than in man .

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Are you suggesting that only those without belief are undamaged and free from slavery and trauma? Is that a conclusion you have come to through personal experience?

I'm saying that it is a large contributor towards people being damaged and having the mentality of slavery. Of course many people can be damaged and want to be a slave without believing, but belief in a higher power encourages those values. Edit: And it results in an incredible amount of damage in people and in the world at large.


I'm asking because I'm interested in why you assume that those who have as you put it have been indoctrinated are burdened with guilt and deem themselves to be "scum and sinners" from an early age?

I'm not sure what you are asking here.

Edited by Hammerstein
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To be honest, most of that went over my head but i'm not claiming to be a physicist. I was saying that i believe in the big bang theory.


Not god!


My problem is with people who do things in the name of god.


God was created by man.


Well, if you believe it then OK for you. I'm not nit picking and I wish you well but the big bang was actually a big flash (no sound) and radiation came before atoms. I think you can see the relevance of asking about the energy that created it all, can't you? Such awesome energy could surely only have come from God's doing, couldn't it? Some people think that there were previous universes which collapsed into a black hole and that when the energy density reached a certain (unknown) limit it went through a change of state and became our big flash. Other theories say that there still are many universes all of which are spacetime bubbles which formed just after the big flash. Other people talk about time being circular by nature so there was no beginning. The anthropic principle says that perhaps there have been countless other universes before and each one developed differently and that eventually it arrived at our one. And maybe it will continue like this forever but none of it answers the question where did it come from in the first place? OK if there was no first because time is circular then how did it all get started and how was its structure and nature shaped? Obviously nobody knows the answer so maybe invoking God as the only answer is a good idea? Please don't say "its all over my head" because if you do you're really saying that you'll never understand anything properly. As I said before, there are no all embracing, easy answers and life just isn't simple.

As for why did certain priests do what they did to children? well one idea is that the devil tempted them and they weren't strong enough to resist. You know this answer. So go on and ask me is there a devil? What do you think? For every electron there's a positron, for every proton there's an anti proton, for every type of particle there's an anti particle. It looks as if symmetry reigns. So for every God there must be an anti God. Yes?

Edited by woolyhead
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Forgive me if I am wrong , but I thought you said in the first instant that you was conversant with the bible . That being the case you , I am sure , would be aware that Christ died on the cross in order to fulfill the prophesy of the forgiveness of the original sin .Thereby , in baptismal rights , we are all forgiven for the wrongs of Adam and Eve . That being the case God didn't

abandon his son .

You seem to be somewhat confused between belief and faith , which have two different connotations . You can have a belief in something , born out of overwhelming evidence but have no faith in it . On the other hand you can have faith in something born out of a desire to understand and be open minded about it .

You also say that Jesus may have been a wise and brave man ,but that he died at the hands of man . That being the case , you would acknowledge that it was man and not God who was responsible for his death .

In all that you have been saying , about children under five dying and suffering needlessly , seems to me to be as the result of greed and disregard by mankind . Hardly by the hand of any God when he advocates the care and love of the innocent and the meek.

You enjoy quoting about what evolution and science tells you is a proven fact at the time . Science and evolution has been proven to to be right at the time , but subsequently proven wrong by new evidence . No scientific evidence has been written in stone - Unlike the two tablets brought down by Moses 3000 years ago .

I still put my faith in God and what he teaches us , rather than in man .


Science welcomes being proved wrong, that's how we move on, despite the protests from the church.


You choose the teachings from a god, not man? Who do you think actually created those teachings?

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