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Does God Exist?

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You talk bull**** Grahame.


"Science acknowledges the Bible and therefore the Bible is divinely inspired"


LMFAO. Ofcourse Science acknowledges the Bible. Scientists at least have the respect to appreciate some people have faith and beliefs. The Bible exists, a majority of people believe in God and the Bible is a physical thing related to him.


Just because Science acknowledges something doesn't mean that thing is divinely inspired and confirms the existence of God. Not at all. Not even slightly.


Talk more **** please.


It appears you are being smothered here a little Grahame. Maybe peoples points here are starting to get through to that thick skull of yours and you're giving up?


I'm fed up with talking to <personal insult removed>.


Edited by esme
removed insult
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Sandie was asking a question about the Bible and basically she was asking if it was pie in the sky, but as we can see the Biblical account is precisely correct and I have said it before and I will say it again, indicates divine inspiration which is proof of God. :)




The bible is a book, just a story, nothing more, nothing less! Just like lord of the rings.......or the Beano!

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Ignore Grahame. It's not his fault he's pig ignorant and deluded. In every post he made in this thread he speaks as if what he says is 100% fact when it is, in fact, utter bull****.


We can say with utmost certainty that just because we knew nothing about our own existence thousands of years ago that there must be a God? That is the biggest load of horse **** I've ever read on this subject.


The Bible get's everything right? It's just a BOOK. Nobody has physical evidence that it wasn't just written by some guy for ****s and giggles.


People like you are so unbelievable Grahame. Insisting that God exists and completely ignoring the fact that there isn't a shred of evidence to support it. The Bible doesn't count as evidence, it never has. The fact we don't know much about our existence isn't proof. It's nothing.


There is more evidence supporting the possibility that we evolved from apes than there is that we were created by a deity. Remains have been recovered of apes at stages of evolution where-by they were changing from walking on all fours to just their 2 back legs permanently.


Science has done more to discover human roots than any religion or faith ever has. Science > Religion.


I'm with the guy who stated that 'God' is just an idea. That couldn't be closer to the truth.


And the ultimate question for you Grahame, which has probably already been asked of you, is if 'God' created us, who created God?


And don't come back with some nonsensical response like "he was formed into the fabric of the universe to give birth to our world."


The ultimate question you ask of Graham is like me asking you where the universe ends as everything is contained in something so what is the universe contained in and where does it stop?

Just because you cant give a definate answer doesn't mean the universe doesn't exist.

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