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Does God Exist?

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Why have you invented a new one. :hihi:


I'm sure you're well aware that, aside from the many other gods, there are many different interpretations of the Abrahamic God. Christianity alone has a bunch (many) of different flavours (denominations/divisons/versions).

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I'm sure you're well aware that, aside from the many other gods, there are many different interpretations of the Abrahamic God. Christianity alone has a bunch (many) of different flavours (denominations/divisons/versions).
Yes and why not I don't think God minds what denomination anyone belongs to, providing they are not harming anyone.

And before you say "Some do" I know they do, but I'm sure compared to the vast majority those are much lower in number.

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No, he was misquoted.


No, you were wrong. You were trying to contend that atheists are arguing against a strawman of their own creation by pointing out the fact that a god who is omnipotent and omniscient is impossible, by calling it 'the usual atheist definition'. This simply is not true at all, as approximately 10 seconds of googling would have taught you.


Also, referring to yourself in the third person is weird.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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No, you were wrong. You were trying to contend that atheists are arguing against a strawman of their own creation by pointing out the fact that a god who is omnipotent and omniscient is impossible, by calling it 'the usual atheist definition'. This simply is not true at all, as approximately 10 seconds of googling would have taught you.


Also, referring to yourself in the third person is weird.


Jeez you know how to knock out a final line..:hihi:

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However to be fair to them they do have rather a lot of scriptural backing:


But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. -Matthew 19:26


For nothing will be impossible with God - Luke 1:37


Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? - Jeremiah 32:27


I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. - Job 42:2


For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse - Romans 1:20


Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God - Mark 10:27


Oh, and look at that, all from different books, and 4/6 from the New Testament.


So, as you can see, when atheists argue against the existence of an omnipotent god, they are not arguing against a made up strawman. They are not only arguing against the official teachings of the catholic church, the beliefs of plenty of other theists too I'm sure, but against the god as described in the bible.

You know, I don't believe those passages are meant to be taken quite so literally.

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You know, I don't believe those passages are meant to be taken quite so literally.
Sounds like Evangelical atheism! similar to Evangelical Christianity in many respects! note the prejudice towards the Catholic church. that could be due to something inherited. I'm only surmising of course because bigotry from him is not what I would have expected.
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Sounds like Evangelical atheism! similar to Evangelical Christianity in many respects! note the prejudice towards the Catholic church. that could be due to something inherited. I'm only surmising of course because bigotry from him is not what I would have expected.


What prejudice towards the catholic church?




I haven't even come close, so much so that I find it very hard to believe that you genuinely think I did.


And to top it all off you insinuate that my parents are bigots too?



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No, you were wrong. You were trying to contend that atheists are arguing against a strawman of their own creation by pointing out the fact that a god who is omnipotent and omniscient is impossible, by calling it 'the usual atheist definition'.

There is no suggestion it is their strawman definition, only that it is the one they usually use.

This simply is not true at all, as approximately 10 seconds of googling would have taught you.

Go on then: give a link to another definition used by atheists.

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