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Does God Exist?

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I give up and if you're going to talk in code I retire undefeated.


Heh :roll:

You defeated yourself in post #239 before scurrying back to alter it to something which, by the way, still does nothing at all to back up your original claim that agnostics don't believe in any gods.


By Drone, I was referring to a forum member who regularly gets banned then returns under a new identity. He has a habit of discovering definitions of words and completely misunderstanding them, accompanied by lots of hot air (with a slight tinge of male cattle odour)

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OK janie48. Let's not disagree over this. Basically I'm on your side in this discussion/argument. We may disagree over some of the details but they are nothing compared to the main issue, ie that God exists. You asked me if I'd invented another God and the answer seems to be no, we both worship the same one. Thanks for explaining it to me.



No problem, I've never known any two believers who agree on everything even those who share the same religion.
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Does that ever work? You tell people 'you'd understand what I'm saying if only you were a high level physicist' and they just bow politely and say 'yeah I guess you're right'...

That seems to be the basis for a lot of modern physics. ;)

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I can't find the original to quote, but the poster asked

"If an alien appears, and has technology beyond your understanding, would you regard him as a god?"

My answer: NO!

I am the product of evolution on this planet; I have technology developed in the last 100 years, mere science fiction to most people of 100 years ago.

I would believe this alien to be like me, a product of evolution and the techno/science development of HIS world.

Perhaps he's willing to teach us his technology; then we will learnit.

Perhaps he is not willing; I bet we'll find a way to steal it from him!


Like us, he's mortal, not divine!

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I can't find the original to quote, but the poster asked

"If an alien appears, and has technology beyond your understanding, would you regard him as a god?"

My answer: NO!

I am the product of evolution on this planet; I have technology developed in the last 100 years, mere science fiction to most people of 100 years ago.

I would believe this alien to be like me, a product of evolution and the techno/science development of HIS world.

Perhaps he's willing to teach us his technology; then we will learnit.

Perhaps he is not willing; I bet we'll find a way to steal it from him!


Like us, he's mortal, not divine!


Can I suggest reading Ezekiel (bible) again. How would people in those days distinguish between God and some very very advanced alien?


---------- Post added 03-05-2013 at 19:07 ----------


Go on then, what was your falsifiable hypothesis?


If you don't have one, then your process is categorically not scientific.

So far you have made no sort of proof, at all. Not a scientific one or a logical one. You've only asserted 'I have proved it', nothing more.

Lol yeah you're clearly a high level physicist. I totally believe that. Jesus Christ how stupid d'you think I am?


Does that ever work? You tell people 'you'd understand what I'm saying if only you were a high level physicist' and they just bow politely and say 'yeah I guess you're right'.


Seriously, has that ever worked?


So you don't believe me. What's new. Do you believe anything. Anyway, am I bovvered? Goodbye Jimmy.

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So you don't believe me. What's new. Do you believe anything. Anyway, am I bovvered? Goodbye Jimmy.


So, after abjectly failing to refute what I was saying with reason, you tried an appeal to authority, now that has failed you've given up.


Don't worry though that comment has totally saved face for you, well done.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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So you don't believe me. What's new. Do you believe anything. Anyway, am I bovvered? Goodbye Jimmy.


In order to prevent yourself looking so foolish in the future you may wish to look up the meaning of "falsifiable hypothesis".


Now then ... Nice quote from the Almighty himself the other day:


Looking back, I guess making those other 700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars was a bit unnecessary

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Forgive me if I am wrong , but I thought you said in the first instant that you was conversant with the bible . That being the case you , I am sure , would be aware that Christ died on the cross in order to fulfill the prophesy of the forgiveness of the original sin .Thereby , in baptismal rights , we are all forgiven for the wrongs of Adam and Eve . That being the case God didn't abandon his son .


I'm interested in this, I've tried to have this debate before with borderline but he has a habit of not actually answering questions.


I have been told by every Christian I have ever talked to at any length about original sin, I was taught it in school, and it has been taught at every Church I have ever been to that the story of original sin is that man disobeyed God by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and as punishment for this was getting kicked out of the Garden of Eden. This, I am told, is original sin.


The difficulty I have with it is it seems to be a teaching solely of the New Testament authors based on a biased (or mis) interpretation of the original text.


This however is not the story told in Genesis, in fact they are kicked out not for disobeying God, but because they have the knowledge of the tree of eternal life, and God himself says that if they eat from that they will become like him (Immortal). They are already punished for eating from the tree of knowledge (regarding this btw, God at least partially lied and the serpent told the truth - where we are most commonly told the opposite) by having to toil from the earth and endure pain in childbirth.


So why do Christians have this skewed idea of original sin? Its even more baffling when the actual story is there in black and white in Genesis, I find it completely baffling.


Your take would be most welcome.


---------- Post added 07-05-2013 at 15:09 ----------


Clown Shoes


Why haven't you responded to my post #227?

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