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Does God Exist?

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You might be right, and if I can ask you, what would you call that 'something'?


i dnt reli knw jus sumthin bigger than all of us but as a lot of people say if God had the power to give us world peace n stop horrible dieseases n it is real (it being if real cud be male or female) y not do sumthin about it?

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i dnt reli knw jus sumthin bigger than all of us but as a lot of people say if God had the power to give us world peace n stop horrible dieseases n it is real (it being if real cud be male or female) y not do sumthin about it?


Well jalko we are the ones who have dominion in the earth and as for "doing something about it" I think we are the ones who need to be "doers" of the word and not only hearers. :)


"But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." (James 1:22)


In other words it all begins with us. :)


Edited by Grahame
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That sums up my feelings as well jalko and I like your closing remark where you say, "Why not do something about it." :)



Wow, well I guess God must have modernised and taken on board 'text speak' :lol:

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I've been out to watch the sun set tonight and not once did I think that it could all have been created by God...


It's utterly glorious, but if it was created by a divine being, it was something far FAR greater than the Christian god...



Your getting there.


Uh, Karis has just said that not once did he/she think it could have been created by God, and if it HAD been, it was not by the Christian god, and you say, 'you're getting there'?????


Wherever Karis is saying, it's not the same as you say, Grahame! Did you read the post properly? :huh:

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I didn't know this was a football thread.


Perhaps the mods will delete the last three posts, thanks.



So the concept of divine intervention that USUK referred to means nothing to you Grahame?


Your narrow view of 'god' might not be the same as everyone else's.

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Early man would not have known about the cosmos, so I doubt he would have felt particularly insignificant, I know I don't, but if I look up into the night sky I do get an impression of the greatness of God and you don't have to invent him either if you let your mind dwell on it.



We know for a fact that when early man looked up into the heavens, he thought the Sun and Moon were gods. We have cave paintings showing these early deities.


And it appears that that philosophy (of creating gods) has carried down throughout history.


So, when you consider that...

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Wellll. If you want to talk about the ancients and the Sun God...


Let me see, when is the winter solstice, you know the day that the Sun is reborn each year, oh yes its on or around Dec 25th Hmmmm.


Well what about the vernal equinox, you know when the day becomes linger than the night, oh yes its on or about Easter Sunday Hmmmm

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