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Why Is CCTV So Rubbish? And It's A Infingement On Our Rights Thread.

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You seem to know a lot about it. Was the person who caused the problems with the shop front yourself?


Wasn't the person who caused the trouble the shop-keep who was ripping his customer off, or have I mis-understood?


Good CCTV costs lots of money, and small businesses can't afford to spend much so they buy what they can.

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I think CCTV is a life saver , I got off a train in Wakefield kirkgate and was followed by someone ! He was recognised on CCTV and the police arrived very quickly before anything happend to me ! So I do think this is great for those who don't know Wakefield kirkgate is an unmanned station , I had missed my normal train , I had no choice but to use that route to work but I did thank the CCTV people ! The guy that followed me was known to have assaulted and mugged people in that area

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CCTV on my road is so bad that even though the police knew exactly who it was attempting to steal my mate's bike they couldn't prove it because of the quality of the footage. It was good enough to pick me up going after him though, think I scared him more than the police did :suspect:

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  • 1 month later...
I really don't want to be watched by some person who has never met me. That's why we have curtains in our houses and bedsits.


The amazing thing about all this CCTV is the crap images that come from them. All blurred and rubbish.


Do the Police and Councils buy this tech stuff from poundland or what?




We'll all have to go out in disguise in the future - Rampent, you can wear an assortment of hairpieces and I'll disguise myself as you

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