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Tories to get rid of prison perks

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Bring back the treadmill, picking hokum, breaking rocks.:roll:

We all know this is Tory election time rubbish.

Offenders usually hate work, therefore they offend. Its simple, give em hard graft to do, BUT treat them fairly.

'fraid the Torys have no intention of doing anything.


[i WOULD LOVE to see IDS breaking rocks, the nasty so and so wouldn't have the strength]

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From the BBC - referring to plans to put new inmates in uniforms and limit their access to cash -


Ben Gunn, who spent 32 years in prison for murder, told the BBC Mr Grayling was putting newly incarcerated people at risk


"To actually bring people into prison and in their first two weeks, when they are at their most vulnerable and prone to suicide and self-harm, to then throw them in uniform so they're marked out from the rest of the population and restrict the money they can spend to phone home to talk to friends, family and lawyers is just absurd.


"It's positively harmful."


My heart bleeds............. If they cant do the time they should do the crime.

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Thailands Department of Correction


and the harsh prison regime in the YouTube link


Seems a harsh regime reduces reoffending.


It's simply not plausible to make that assumption on such limited statistics.


---------- Post added 30-04-2013 at 18:30 ----------


My heart bleeds............. If they cant do the time they should do the crime.


A grossly naive and stereotypical soundbite in response to a complicated and important human issue - who'd have thought it?

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Treating prisoners like animals will not stop them reoffending.

Giving them skills, literacy, a sense of self worth, improving their thinking skills and helping them find employment tends to help a great deal more.


Good idea. Teach prisoners to Weld and they will then become safe breakers when they are released. Teach them to become printers and they will become Forgers when they are released. :roll:

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My opinion for what its worth...and not a lot on here I'm sure....


Prisons should be hell on earth. They should such institutions that people are TERRIFIED of going into and NOT WANT to go back if they've been in one! If the only way is to not offend or reoffend, then they won't. The problem is, they appear to have such an easy time (having caught a few documentaries recently) its easier for them to commit further crime and go back inside than it is to struggle a while and get back to a normal life.


I think I agree.



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You are missing the point. The end goal is to benefit society. If these resources work, and cut reoffending and therefore the overall prison population there will be more resources for those more deserving.


But if there are millions of people without jobs and you give prisoners jobs on their release wouldn’t it encourage people to break the law in order to get a job.

Locking people up for longer and cutting the amount spent on them whilst inside will cut reoffending.

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Actually that would probably work..get that sent to some Gov think tank.



Close thread prob solved.


I know. I wasn't joking. Non-violent and non-dangerous inmates might enjoy it - it would be a daily link to the outside world.

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Tories get tough on prisioners, after all it's been a while since we had a go at them, so let's throw the public another bone to keep them happy.

Could it be as a result of local elections this week? What a surprise.


Won't be brought in. Its just the Nasty Party trying to curry favour with the nasty right wing.

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