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Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionairre - what's the point

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The issue IS the doing something, every time the dolies are asked to do something we get the same old crap.

God help them if they ever HAD to go and get a job.


No it isn't.

Notwithstanding the hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money wasted on these snake oil salesmen & their bogus tests there are genuine psychometric tests already devised that could have been used.

Many of those recieving benefits already have had jobs - they have paid into the system and are not idle, as you infer.

Get angry about the fact that families are having to live on supplements from the state because their employers do not pay living wages.

Like I said - so much easier to punch downwards than upwards.

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Being unemployed is unlucky, we are not scumbags, i would love to work but only if it is worth my while, i have 4 kids and my wife is a house wife as kids are young. if i get 40 hours @ minimum wage i wouldnt be better off by much so it is not worthwhile, if i can get a job over £20k then it will be worth my while. i been looking for a job for a few years now and fill in countless apllication, Not my fault the employers dont know a good talent when they see one, so we are not all scumbags


Well you sound like one, or a troll.


What lessons are you teaching those children? Do you expect them to do the same as you and if they can't earn a good wage to refuse to work?


Being unemployed in your case is a choice and I seriously hope ATOS find you and force you into a job you hate. So you get off your lazy backside and find a job you can enjoy and start contributing to society rather than sucking the life out of it. And your kids don't grow up to be a waste of space like their father currently is.


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:06 ----------


No it isn't.

Notwithstanding the hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money wasted on these snake oil salesmen & their bogus tests there are genuine psychometric tests already devised that could have been used.

Many of those recieving benefits already have had jobs - they have paid into the system and are not idle, as you infer.

Get angry about the fact that families are having to live on supplements from the state because their employers do not pay living wages.

Like I said - so much easier to punch downwards than upwards.


That has NOTHING to do with it. Its the same old excuse and when you are confronted you try to divert attention away from you and onto someone else (the government in this case).


Stop whining and do as you're asked. Its a few seconds for free money.

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Being unemployed is unlucky, we are not scumbags, i would love to work but only if it is worth my while, i have 4 kids and my wife is a house wife as kids are young. if i get 40 hours @ minimum wage i wouldnt be better off by much so it is not worthwhile, if i can get a job over £20k then it will be worth my while. i been looking for a job for a few years now and fill in countless apllication, Not my fault the employers dont know a good talent when they see one, so we are not all scumbags


And this is why the Goverment NEEDS to get people like yourself back into work rather than you thinking your to good to take on a job that pays less than 20K.

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Are you actually going on record as stating, doing something is not actually, doing something?

Some people on here astound me.


Sticking my finger up my bum is doing "something", it won't help me get a job though will it (unless I'm looking for a specific line of work)?

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Well you sound like one, or a troll.


What lessons are you teaching those children? Do you expect them to do the same as you and if they can't earn a good wage to refuse to work?


Being unemployed in your case is a choice and I seriously hope ATOS find you and force you into a job you hate. So you get off your lazy backside and find a job you can enjoy and start contributing to society rather than sucking the life out of it. And your kids don't grow up to be a waste of space like their father currently is.


Brilliant post. As much as I hate the Tories, their idea to make benefits unatractively low to force people to take what jobs are available, is good common sense. OK, so a person dosent want to clean bogs for minimum wage, but they would be financially better off if they did. Seems like a no brainer to me. If the "would be" bog cleaner thinks this job is beneath them, then they should have done better at school. Their misgivings are nobody elses fault but their own.

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Well you sound like one, or a troll.


What lessons are you teaching those children? Do you expect them to do the same as you and if they can't earn a good wage to refuse to work?


Being unemployed in your case is a choice and I seriously hope ATOS find you and force you into a job you hate. So you get off your lazy backside and find a job you can enjoy and start contributing to society rather than sucking the life out of it. And your kids don't grow up to be a waste of space like their father currently is.


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:06 ----------



That has NOTHING to do with it. Its the same old excuse and when you are confronted you try to divert attention away from you and onto someone else (the government in this case).


Stop whining and do as you're asked. Its a few seconds for free money.


Given that they are employed directly by the Government, under the direction of Iain Duncan Smith I'd say It has everything to do with it.

Pointing out that the government is requiring its citizens to do a bogus meaningless test for their benefits is not whining. If you think it is, then you've no need to contribute to the thread, your involvement is not compulsory.


And just for the record I'm not unemployed, so no I won't be doing as I'm told down at the DWP. And even if I were unemployed I'd have earned them as I've worked for over 25 years, so it wouldn't be free money.


The unemployed have a right to be treated with dignity and not given meaningless tasks to do to satisfy Herr Duncan Smith. If you have anger issues, go to the gym or go for a walk. Don't take them out on the unemployed.

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Are you trying to say that unemployed people are less imaginative than those in work?


No I'm saying that any one of "Very much like me", "Like me", "Neutral", "Unlike me", or "Very much unlike me" would be an odd response to the question "Most of my friends are more imaginative than I am".


It is a question that requires a yes or no answer, surely.

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