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Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionairre - what's the point

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Given that they are employed directly by the Government, under the direction of Iain Duncan Smith I'd say It has everything to do with it.

Pointing out that the government is requiring its citizens to do a bogus meaningless test for their benefits is not whining. If you think it is, then you've no need to contribute to the thread, your involvement is not compulsory.


And just for the record I'm not unemployed, so no I won't be doing as I'm told down at the DWP. And even if I were unemployed I'd have earned them as I've worked for over 25 years, so it wouldn't be free money.


The unemployed have a right to be treated with dignity and not given meaningless tasks to do to satisfy Herr Duncan Smith. If you have anger issues, go to the gym or go for a walk. Don't take them out on the unemployed.


I suppose its a bit like someones employer asking them to attend a health and safety meeting or an appraisal or some other daft thing employers like to do these days. I think the point Wex is trying to make is that technically, the DWP is a claimants "employer" in a sense, and if they choose to ask the claimant to fill out a questionnaire, it seems only respectful to just fill it in. This does make me wonder if an employer asked a member of staff to fill one out, would the employee make such a fuss? It seems that its not working people who are tarnishing the unemployed.......but the unemployed who seem to have a big fat jumbo McCains chip on their shoulder whenever they are asked to do anything other than sign on.

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Sticking my finger up my bum is doing "something", it won't help me get a job though will it (unless I'm looking for a specific line of work)?


I take it then, you are saying that.


How stupid?


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:37 ----------


No it isn't.

Notwithstanding the hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money wasted on these snake oil salesmen & their bogus tests there are genuine psychometric tests already devised that could have been used.

Many of those recieving benefits already have had jobs - they have paid into the system and are not idle, as you infer.

Get angry about the fact that families are having to live on supplements from the state because their employers do not pay living wages.

Like I said - so much easier to punch downwards than upwards.


Not withstanding the billions wasted on the doleites.

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I suppose its a bit like someones employer asking them to attend a health and safety meeting or an appraisal or some other daft thing employers like to do these days. I think the point Wex is trying to make is that technically, the DWP is a claimants "employer" in a sense, and if they choose to ask the claimant to fill out a questionnaire, it seems only respectful to just fill it in. This does make me wonder if an employer asked a member of staff to fill one out, would the employee make such a fuss? It seems that its not working people who are tarnishing the unemployed.......but the unemployed who seem to have a big fat jumbo McCains chip on their shoulder whenever they are asked to do anything other than sign on.


I appreciate that. But why give the unemployed a bogus questionnaire? That helps no one, least of all the unemployed - it would be better to be given honest feedback that will help improve their situation. Don't you think?


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:44 ----------


I take it then, you are saying that.


How stupid?


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:37 ----------



Not withstanding the billions wasted on the doleites.


Troll off.

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I appreciate that. But why give the unemployed a bogus questionnaire? That helps no one, least of all the unemployed - it would be better to be given honest feedback that will help improve their situation. Don't you think?


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:44 ----------



Troll off.


Lost the plot?

That's a typical response from someone who has nowhere to go.

You lose the argument so you revert to name calling, not very grown up is it?

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Lost the plot?

That's a typical response from someone who has nowhere to go.

You lose the argument so you revert to name calling, not very grown up is it?


Calling people doleites isn't very grown up either.

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No I'm saying that any one of "Very much like me", "Like me", "Neutral", "Unlike me", or "Very much unlike me" would be an odd response to the question "Most of my friends are more imaginative than I am".


It is a question that requires a yes or no answer, surely.


I see what you're getting at, it would have helped if I'd read the questionairre again.

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I appreciate that. But why give the unemployed a bogus questionnaire? That helps no one, least of all the unemployed - it would be better to be given honest feedback that will help improve their situation. Don't you think?


I certainly agree with that. Using genuine psychometric testing combined with activity monitoring could quickly divide them into the four groups they fall into.


1. Want to work - know how to maximise their chances of finding work and doing everything they can to find it.

2. Want to work - know how to maximise their chances of finding work and not doing everything they can to find it.

3. Want to work - don't know how to maximise their chances of finding work.

4. Don't want to work


We can save money by letting 1. get on with it and stop patronising them, 2. can be given an interview without coffee and told to become 1. sharpish or get reclassed as 4. 3. can have the real help needed directed at them to get them to be 1. with the money saved from not patronising 1.


4. can be sanctioned, made to do whatever is needed to get them off their idle backsides, and ultimately if they don't change we have to turn our backs and let them starve, or put them in camps or something.


A far better solution than using this fake rubbish that the civil servants have come up with.

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I appreciate that. But why give the unemployed a bogus questionnaire? That helps no one, least of all the unemployed - it would be better to be given honest feedback that will help improve their situation. Don't you think?


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 21:44 ----------



Troll off.


Probably the content could have been designed to be a bit more relevant, but I think we are all missing the point that whatever the content is, the document should be completed, without all the hoo har that has come from it. We all know that the DWP has advisors/outsourced companies etc to do its dirty work, and however ridiculous it may be, its still a reasonable request to ask for it to be completed by people who are claiming benefits. God only knows when we will ever have decent people running our country, but until then, they can spend our tax money on whatever they like, including this questionnaire, but at the end of the day its just a simple request, and if a claimant feels he/she dosent have the time or dosent think it will do any good to complete it, then that is just plain wrong. The welfare state in the UK is just one big joke, and the sooner its reduced to be less than minimum wage, the better. There is no excuse for refusing any kind of work. If a foreign immigrant can pick strawberrys, then why the hell cant the 18 year old do it? Simple answer is he/she gets more on the dole. Well bring on the new benefit reductions in the new Universal Credit system, that will target this type of person, and FORCE them to take these mediocre jobs, because if they wanted to be a brain surgeon they should have listened at school.


Superdream, in his 40,s. No qualifications. Learned to drive a HGV at 21, and never been out of work since. Ever.

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If you got a job on minimum wage then even if you're not a lot better off financially the money to provide for your family would come from you, rather than other people. Plus once you have a job on minimum wage, you can get promoted, you can't on the dole.


Not sure whether you're trolling or being serious but if the latter then your attitude ain't so good.


£6.40 what chances have i got to get a pay raise to £10 an hour? Not working for peanuts, much prefer to spend time with the Mrs and the kids, at least i can bring them up right and know whats right and wrong. instead of me stacking shelfs for next to nothing

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I certainly agree with that. Using genuine psychometric testing combined with activity monitoring could quickly divide them into the four groups they fall into.


1. Want to work - know how to maximise their chances of finding work and doing everything they can to find it.

2. Want to work - know how to maximise their chances of finding work and not doing everything they can to find it.

3. Want to work - don't know how to maximise their chances of finding work.

4. Don't want to work


We can save money by letting 1. get on with it and stop patronising them, 2. can be given an interview without coffee and told to become 1. sharpish or get reclassed as 4. 3. can have the real help needed directed at them to get them to be 1. with the money saved from not patronising 1.


4. can be sanctioned, made to do whatever is needed to get them off their idle backsides, and ultimately if they don't change we have to turn our backs and let them starve, or put them in camps or something.


A far better solution than using this fake rubbish that the civil servants have come up with.


Not to mention that 1 - 3 all have a better chance of getting a job when left to their own devices than if they are 'aided' by DWP, A4E or any other employment quacks.

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