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Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionairre - what's the point

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Not to mention that 1 - 3 all have a better chance of getting a job when left to their own devices than if they are 'aided' by DWP, A4E or any other employment quacks.


Unless they are applying for a job in a Thornbridge Inn. In which case, stuffing A4E full of cash might help:cool:

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£6.40 what chances have i got to get a pay raise to £10 an hour? Not working for peanuts, much prefer to spend time with the Mrs and the kids, at least i can bring them up right and know whats right and wrong. instead of me stacking shelfs for next to nothing


Huh ? :huh:


You have your own business don't you ? :suspect:


efax are free if you are only doing a few

i use soho66 for my business and staight from pc to their fax, a lot less hassle

it cost 6p a fax i think



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Well no one has picked up on the psychological value of making people do things. What you have done is very informative. It tells one immediately that you are compliant, and you answer informs that you can be awkward. But the fact is, despite you being awkward, for the money, you will sell your soul, or in this case dignity. You are therefore useful, and exploitable..


You are useful because you are obviously helpless, had you got savings you could have told them to stick it, so even rejection can instigate investigation and maybe surveillance.


It shows that people, even the awkward can be pushed around, they accept authority, however reluctantly, and do what they are told, especially if they think its in their interest.


Stripping naked would not have revealed as much, so you can be made to work for your supper, because you have no choice, which might be the point, to segregate through form filling certain types, to be exploited, at a later date, when the forms are accessed, and certain comments will of course be put for those that need to know, against you file.

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£6.40 what chances have i got to get a pay raise to £10 an hour? Not working for peanuts, much prefer to spend time with the Mrs and the kids, at least i can bring them up right and know whats right and wrong. instead of me stacking shelfs for next to nothing


Ok, i'll call troll on this one.


EDIT : Ha! Just seen megalithic beat me to it and with proof.

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That was before I had my second child , market is not easy last few years, best decision I made


Well you were according to you in business last week so the DWP have really pulled out all the stops to get you into full dole dosser mode in under a week.


Lets be honest, you're a under bridge dweller aren't you and not a very good one.


Byeee!! :wave:

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Not to mention that 1 - 3 all have a better chance of getting a job when left to their own devices than if they are 'aided' by DWP, A4E or any other employment quacks.


As pointed out on my other job thread, if you're wanting to seek employment the worst benefit to claim is Job Seekers Allowance, too many hoops to jump through, too much harrasment and inevitable sanctions.


Go straight for ESA or similar, it's a much simpler game of chess with better rewards.

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Re test:

Well I haven't seen it but from what folk say it sounds to me to be more about being able to self-assess and gain self-knowledge, in other words the answers are not for the benefit of the tester but the testee; to get them thinking.


You'd be surprised at how many people have no self awareness. As long as it doesn't cost to administer, where's the harm? However, I accept that in many cases, it could appear very patronising to some people

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