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Unemployed forced to take meaningless questionairre - what's the point

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So you mean NO you don't have the statistical database they are building, plus the results they are extracting from that data, what you have is your OPINION on the results that are PRETTY MUCH what you thought.


Well I'm sold on that conclusive, peer reviewed scientific statement :roll:


So what's your explanation as to why which ever answer anybody puts into the questionnaire the results come back the same?

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So you mean NO you don't have the statistical database they are building, plus the results they are extracting from that data, what you have is your OPINION on the results that are PRETTY MUCH what you thought.


Well I'm sold on that conclusive, peer reviewed scientific statement :roll:


the results are shown AFTER you do the 'test'. they are a standard set of 'results' that appear regardless of how the questions are answered.


I had no preconceptions, I like tests. I had similar sorts of test from my employer and they actually used a real pschometric test and it provided an answer which I already knew to be true and broadly accurate.


the jsa test is a joke because they are not distinguishing between the different choices.

some of the questions simply cannot be answered by the multiple choice answers.


I'm not sure why you keep trying to defend such utter nonsense.

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So you mean NO you don't have the statistical database they are building, plus the results they are extracting from that data, what you have is your OPINION on the results that are PRETTY MUCH what you thought.


Well I'm sold on that conclusive, peer reviewed scientific statement :roll:


Do the test yourself. The results are meaningless random guff.


Then examaine your own fantasy scenario where they are building databases from this test. Is it a test that results can be gleaned from? No. So that's just something you made up. A real psychometric test has that many check questions in that you'd never spot, it takes at least two hours and delivers actual data. This is a joke test with joke results so your fantasy that it's a brilliant ruse to decide who to send to the camps is just that, a fantasy.

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regrettably I am currently out of work....after 25 years of being IN work, 10 of which were in HM Armed Forces.....just saying because I know I`ll get slagged off for being a scrounger / waster / etc etc...oh...I`m a single parent too, and have been for 7 years.....so more slagging off there then... a single parent who is unemployed....OMG.....a total waste of "your" tax payers money, because obviously I have never contributed a penny to the welfare system, and have never done a thing for my country.... and people younger than me are bound to take the moral high ground because they "have a job"....


Right now we have that out of the way.....I have not been asked to take this test, not by the Jobcentre or by my Advisor on the Work Program....so, whilst its great everyone is getting upset by it...do you know anyone who is out of work, is on JSA and has been "forced" to take this "test"?

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How long does it take to fill in this questionnaire really? Now think of all the time you have free, paid for by the state.


Now shut up and stop whining.


Woah woah, bloody woah.


National insurance????


Ever increasing national insurance!


People are paying in and they are paying greater proportions of their income in than ever and receiving less in real terms and it is increasingly being means tested.


The state owns the time of no man, woman or child. The dole is a form of social security/insurance, which UK citizens are forced to pay into and fully entitled to claim.


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 01:03 ----------


If you got a job on minimum wage then even if you're not a lot better off financially the money to provide for your family would come from you, rather than other people. Plus once you have a job on minimum wage, you can get promoted, you can't on the dole.


Not sure whether you're trolling or being serious but if the latter then your attitude ain't so good.


Incentives incentives.


The rich have far higher incentives to earn money due to lower effective taxes.


Yet they say taxes need to be reduced, to encourage them even more.


The unemployed face far higher effective taxes. These should be lowered massively, before we start criticising people for not working for no financial gain.


Why don't the rich work for an effective £0.80 per hour?


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 01:05 ----------


Brilliant post. As much as I hate the Tories, their idea to make benefits unatractively low to force people to take what jobs are available, is good common sense. OK, so a person dosent want to clean bogs for minimum wage, but they would be financially better off if they did. Seems like a no brainer to me. If the "would be" bog cleaner thinks this job is beneath them, then they should have done better at school. Their misgivings are nobody elses fault but their own.


The problem isn't the levels, benefits should be higher!


It is the effective tax rates that are the problem.


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 01:10 ----------


I certainly agree with that. Using genuine psychometric testing combined with activity monitoring could quickly divide them into the four groups they fall into.


1. Want to work - know how to maximise their chances of finding work and doing everything they can to find it.

2. Want to work - know how to maximise their chances of finding work and not doing everything they can to find it.

3. Want to work - don't know how to maximise their chances of finding work.

4. Don't want to work


We can save money by letting 1. get on with it and stop patronising them, 2. can be given an interview without coffee and told to become 1. sharpish or get reclassed as 4. 3. can have the real help needed directed at them to get them to be 1. with the money saved from not patronising 1.


4. can be sanctioned, made to do whatever is needed to get them off their idle backsides, and ultimately if they don't change we have to turn our backs and let them starve, or put them in camps or something.


A far better solution than using this fake rubbish that the civil servants have come up with.


If somebody raped and killed every member of your family they would not be forced to die by the state.


Why do you think the unemployed should be tret so harshly?


Surely the unemployed, especially ones who have paid national insurance deserve a better standard of living than a criminal?

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That has NOTHING to do with it. Its the same old excuse and when you are confronted you try to divert attention away from you and onto someone else (the government in this case).


Stop whining and do as you're asked. Its a few seconds for free money.


It has everything to do with it. The test is not real, it's nonsense, and the people who put it in place are paid a huge salary to produce rubbish like this.


I won't be doing this test, but it's been widely reported that it's nonsense and that the DWP can't make up their mind whether refusal to do it is cause to cut someones benefits.


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 08:49 ----------


Not withstanding the billions wasted on the doleites.


Do you live in your own fantasy land where you get to just make up numbers?


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 08:51 ----------


£6.40 what chances have i got to get a pay raise to £10 an hour? Not working for peanuts, much prefer to spend time with the Mrs and the kids, at least i can bring them up right and know whats right and wrong. instead of me stacking shelfs for next to nothing


You're obviously a troll, but it's the minority of people who actually behave like this that give all the other unemployed a bad name, and ideally you (and your ilk) should be identified and all your benefits cancelled.

The trick is to do that without punishing those who really do want to find work and deserve support until they do.


---------- Post added 05-05-2013 at 08:53 ----------


Re test:

Well I haven't seen it but from what folk say it sounds to me to be more about being able to self-assess and gain self-knowledge, in other words the answers are not for the benefit of the tester but the testee; to get them thinking.


You'd be surprised at how many people have no self awareness. As long as it doesn't cost to administer, where's the harm? However, I accept that in many cases, it could appear very patronising to some people


The harm comes from the bogus nature of the questionnaire and the fact that it's presented as actually doing some sort of assessment.

They'd be better off directing people to the many freely available psychometric and belpin tests available online, which might genuinely offer them some insight into themselves.

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Do you have the questionnaire to hand and the statistical database they are building, plus the results they are extracting from that data?


They are doing no such thing. Why are you presenting complete falsehoods as fact, this isn't even an opinion, it's just a lie.

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Do you have the questionnaire to hand and the statistical database they are building, plus the results they are extracting from that data?


Here you go Wex, not exactly the 'statistical database and results extracted from the data' that you wanted other forummers to magic up; nonetheless acknowledgement from the US firm that devised the questionnaire that it failed to be scientifically validated.




You should also note that the DWP were in breach of copyright as they were not given permission to use the bogus tests on the unemployed. It is also alleged that the 'psychologists' involved in implementing the questionnaire are in breach of the ethical code of any professional association they could be accredited by.


This does nothing to disprove the widespread view that The 'Nudge Unit', working directly under David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith at taxpayers expense is staffed by snake oil salesmen selling money for old rope.


And I'm glad that there are people that have challenged the so called 'nudge unit' and "complained and moaned about something that will take literally minutes to complete" whether it makes the unemployed "look good" or not.


EDIT: More DWP shennaningans exposed - http://skwalker1964.wordpress.com/2013/05/06/more-on-dwp-cruel-and-unusual-jobseeker-directions/

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