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Army uniform

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One for you history minded people: I need to mock up a First World War uniform for a school history lesson. I have a tin hat, a pair of boots and a film prop Lee Enfield of the right vintage. I need - everything else! I'm not expecting original WW1 stuff, but later items that can be made to appear similar i.e. Great coat, tunic,trousers, shirt. webbing, pouches & packs and last, but not least, puttees (!) I can afford to pay a nominal sum for some things but donated would be great. Hope someone can turn up something! Thanks!

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have you tried local amateur dramatic theatre groups? they may be able to help or point you in the right direction.


what about re-enaction groups? dont know if there are any of those for that era, but again, they may have some connections.


failing that, what about the wardrobe departments at sheffield theatres?


urm, after that, im a bit stuck.


best of luck though- i remember we did the Great War for gcse history. i found that period really interesting, and thoroughly enjoyed those lessons- and the coach trip to the imperial war musuem (even if i had eaten my packed lunch by 10am! :) )




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Thanks people. Army stores have proved fruitless so far but haven't done them all yet. Local theatre groups have been helpful with ideas but again, no joy yet. Horse leg wrap - brilliant! Knew puttees reminded me of something! Thought they were going to be the most difficult thing to replicate.

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well, now i truly feel like im back in the land of the living with the internet restored! lol


my source offered these links as places for possible assistance, i havent checked them- i know, slack. but hopefully they may be able to help:


The Great War Society :






and the Birmingham Pals re-enactment group :




how does that sound?


good luck,




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