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Army uniform

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Do you know anyone who is visiting the Somme battlefields? I know its a bit of a long shot, but I bought one or two props for school quite cheaply when I went to Albert, France (Somme). Unfortnately they were "borrowed" at a school I worked at and never turned up again.

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Thanks for all of those suggestions. Really do appreciate the help for what I naively assumed would be a straightforward task. Co-incidentally met someone on Friday who's taking a school trip to Ypres shortly. Have asked him to keep an eye out. I'll let you know how I get on with all this stuff.

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Thanks for all of those suggestions. Really do appreciate the help for what I naively assumed would be a straightforward task. Co-incidentally met someone on Friday who's taking a school trip to Ypres shortly. Have asked him to keep an eye out. I'll let you know how I get on with all this stuff.


Dont remember anything for sale in Ypres, they are a bit too posh for that there! But in Albert there was loads for sale, looked like they had found an old equipment store or something. Thats where I got my tin hat and one or two cap badges.


PS Other half has just reminded me, in the Ypres region there is a museum at Sanctuary Wood that sometimes has stuff for sale.

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  • 3 years later...

I remember visiting the Royal Armouries in Leeds and there was an actor in WW1 uniform and weapons talking to a group of kids. They have a shop which sells all kinds of things from posters to replica brown bess muskets, might be worth a try?

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