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Arrested on suspicion..

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Obviously it is you who hasn't got a clue.

Have you ever been raped? I have and ive had to live with it for the last 10 years. I reported him right away and he was arrested and hes still in prison.

Why on earth would i have waited one second let alone 40 years to report this vile act upon my person? I have real difficulty believing some of these allegations. Undoubtedly some if not most will be true but some just smacks of something sinister.


Firstly, sorry to hear about your experience.


Secondly, I work for Rape Crisis and 80% of our calls are disclosures of historic sexual abuse/rape. This does not differentiate in any significant way from the national picture. 50 years ago, as this case, the climate was vastly different in the way in which sex crimes were dealt with and perceived, although we still have a long way to go now. Even now, rape and sexual abuse are hugely underreported.


From the Rape Crisis website:


myths & facts about rape & sexual violence


Government statistics released in January 2013 estimated that 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year, that over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted annually, and that 1 in 5 women (aged 16 - 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16. The same study reported that 28% of women who are victims of the most serious sexual offences never tell anyone about it, and we know from our experience within the Rape Crisis movement that only around 15% of women and girls who experience sexual violence ever report to the police.


One reason women and girls tell us they are reluctant to talk about their experiences is a fear of not being believed, or of being blamed for what has happened to them, as well as feelings of shame or self-blame.


Rape and other forms of sexual violence are understandably topics that many people find difficult or uncomfortable to talk about. Because of this reluctance to discuss or acknowledge them, however, myths and misinformation about sexual violence are common. Myths are also often unfortunately fuelled by ill-informed or unbalanced media reporting of sexual violence stories.


This is why Rape Crisis (England and Wales) and its member Rape Crisis Centres are committed to dispelling myths and raising awareness and understanding of sexual violence, as well as providing services to survivors. Our aim in this is to help to create a wider environment in which women and girls affected by sexual violence feel safe and confident to seek the support and justice they need, want and deserve.


The Savile expose has also seen an increase in the volume of calls we take from those disclosing historic abuse for the first time. This has also, without a doubt, given survivors confidence to report to the police as well.

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Obviously it is you who hasn't got a clue.

Have you ever been raped? I have and ive had to live with it for the last 10 years. I reported him right away and he was arrested and hes still in prison.

Why on earth would i have waited one second let alone 40 years to report this vile act upon my person? I have real difficulty believing some of these allegations. Undoubtedly some if not most will be true but some just smacks of something sinister.


First post? I declare shenanigans. Don't fall for it Sufragette1.

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Suffragette1 as a spokeswoman and champion for rape victims,


How on earth can somebody not be a "champion" for rape victims? What alternative do you suggest?


I found it very odd that you didn't comment on the thread where a soldier was raped by a gang of women.


I must read about one thread in a hundred, so the fact that somebody doesn't comment on one that you read means nothing.

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How on earth can somebody not be a "champion" for rape victims? What alternative do you suggest?




I must read about one thread in a hundred, so the fact that somebody doesn't comment on one that you read means nothing.


I have no idea what Jim Stark et al are on about. I dip in and out of SF plus I was overseas and wifi-less this weekend. I didn't realise that part of the SF membership criteria was to justify which threads one posts on.

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How on earth can somebody not be a "champion" for rape victims? What alternative do you suggest?


I think he's suggesting that if you are a champion and female, then you're probably a lesbian..maybe fat and ugly too. :hihi:


You're right though, how can anyone not be.

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How on earth can somebody not be a "champion" for rape victims? What alternative do you suggest?




I must read about one thread in a hundred, so the fact that somebody doesn't comment on one that you read means nothing.


If you say so.


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 15:22 ----------


I have no idea what Jim Stark et al are on about. I dip in and out of SF plus I was overseas and wifi-less this weekend. I didn't realise that part of the SF membership criteria was to justify which threads one posts on.


Lucky you got back in time for this one love.


---------- Post added 01-05-2013 at 15:26 ----------


First post? I declare shenanigans. Don't fall for it Sufragette1.


You should be ashamed of yourself!


With attitudes like yours, there's no surprise that rape victims don't come forward.



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I suspect in some cases, "Money"


i suspect in all cases "MONEY" is it really hard to believe that after 40 or so years in this case and pretty much all the others that someone suddenly decides "oh yes i think i was abused " all that time ago........and they didnt think to come forward before:suspect: disgusting is the word for these chancers:roll:

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