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Nasty Party on course for meltdown

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Question, if parliament was hung after the next election again, labour decided to partner the lib dems , and the conservatives decided to partner ukip how would it be decided who got to govern ?

Is there set laws to deal with this scenario ?


If there is a hung parliament, the situation you describe would not happen in that order. The incumbent party has the right to form the first government. Only then if they cannot can other parties try to form one of their own.


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 08:35 ----------


As far as I'm aware the Tories are far and away the largest party in local government, and will most likely still be the largest party AFTER tomorrow's elections.


Yep and sitting government ALWAYS do badly in local elections. The fact that if things do not change within the Labour party over the next few years, they will be beaten again at the next election.


The usual suspects on here who are crowing over this election, BEFORE a single exit poll is published, goes to show they really are barking up the wrong tree. Miliband and Balls are the least liked of ALL the party leaders.

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Have you noticed how people have begun to realise that the government is wrong in everything it has done/is doing, but they are trying to water-down the effect of the government, probably to try and ease public opinion?


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 08:48 ----------


Mecky, why am I grasping at straws? And are you going to do a vanishing trick when the questions come too close to home for you like you have done countless other times?




Insults, thats a good start, are you getting a bit twitchy already. The urge to run away starting to creep on you already.


Well to answer your questions. I'm not voting for anyone as there is no election where I live. I don't remember saying who I vote for, but if I did, I would be honest about it, can MadManMoon say the same, I notice he has vanished now. Yes I am old enough to vote.


Tell me, why do you feel the need to jump to somone like MadManMoon's defence? Why not nail your colours to the wall and be honest?


What comes around goes around, now it's your turn to answer the questions. I've answered every question put to me, but you and others, possibiy alts of some people, I can't be that bothered to track people down at the moment, don't like the replies I give, so just won't accept them.


You kind of replies just give further indication of the kind of person you are and the stuff you try to propagate - not very nice. It's a typical rightwing trait. Even today in the Metro free paper, psychoanalysts have concluded that Cameron is not a very nice person. It says it all.

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The polls you are selectively quoting are from the Tory shires. The Lab vote has doubled since the last elections, infact this is how voting intention have changed in these areas:


2008 : Con 44%, Lab 13%, LDem 25%, UKIP 5%

– so the changes are Con down 13, Lab up 11, Lib Dem down 13, UKIP up 17.



Looks like it will be a long, long night for the Cons.


As I understand it the Comres poll was conducted in the areas that have elections today...therefore it's a reasonable picture of what may happen in today's votes...I was only as selective in choosing that one as Mad Man Moon was in choosing which poll he decided to put on here..

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As I understand it the Comres poll was conducted in the areas that have elections today...therefore it's a reasonable picture of what may happen in today's votes...I was only as selective in choosing that one as Mad Man Moon was in choosing which poll he decided to put on here..


You shot yourself in the foot then. The targeted poll you linked to shows Labour holding up fairly well in non-traditional Labour areas.


We know the Tories are going to lose a lot of seats. We know UKIP have a great chance of beating the LibDems into 3rd.


I wonder is something seismic could happen - UKIP in second. That would really throw a grenade into the mix. I think Labour are far too complacent about UKIP, looking on as UKIP damages the Tories and thinking it won't happen to themselves.

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What comes around goes around, now it's your turn to answer the questions. I've answered every question put to me,











Come back when you have answered flower and we can stop laughing at the length of your nose.


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 09:22 ----------


I wonder is something seismic could happen - UKIP in second. That would really throw a grenade into the mix. I think Labour are far too complacent about UKIP, looking on as UKIP damages the Tories and thinking it won't happen to themselves.


We were discussing just that scenario this morning in the office and yes, I wouldnt be surprised either. Farage may not be that charismatic but when you only have Milliband to beat....

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I wonder is something seismic could happen - UKIP in second. That would really throw a grenade into the mix. I think Labour are far too complacent about UKIP, looking on as UKIP damages the Tories and thinking it won't happen to themselves.


I disagree with the idea that Labour are complacent about UKIP. The way I read it is that the national media are the ones who are making the most of UKIP's rise. As most of the national press seem to be London-centric and right leaning then it's inevitable that they emphasise the effect UKIP will have on the Tory vote.


We don't hear that much about it in Sheffield as we are not having elections this year but if we were then I'm sure that the threat to Labour of UKIP's vote would be emphasised.

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Possibly the first time I've ever agreed with the Sun




The Sun is not backing any party today, suggesting none of them is worthy of support. I absolutely could not agree more.


The Sun has taken a clear line. The Mail on the other hand has had a schizophrenic approach. It spends the whole time pushing the buttons that will turn its readership to UKIP, then as elections loom tell the readers to vote Tory after all. :hihi:

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You shot yourself in the foot then. The targeted poll you linked to shows Labour holding up fairly well in non-traditional Labour areas.


We know the Tories are going to lose a lot of seats. We know UKIP have a great chance of beating the LibDems into 3rd.


I wonder is something seismic could happen - UKIP in second. That would really throw a grenade into the mix. I think Labour are far too complacent about UKIP, looking on as UKIP damages the Tories and thinking it won't happen to themselves.


I'm not particularly partisan (in my opinion they are all as bad as each other) so couldn't have shot myself in the foot...The conservatives were the biggest party in the areas in question and still will be after the election if the comres poll is to be believed..with the economic situation as it is I'm surprised it didn't show Labour as gaining more seats..

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Have you noticed how people have begun to realise that the government is wrong in everything it has done/is doing, but they are trying to water-down the effect of the government, probably to try and ease public opinion?


Yes, but that doesnt make the Labour party any more attractive. Tory losses are not Labour gains.


What comes around goes around, now it's your turn to answer the questions. I've answered every question put to me, but you and others, possibiy alts of some people, I can't be that bothered to track people down at the moment, don't like the replies I give, so just won't accept them.


You kind of replies just give further indication of the kind of person you are and the stuff you try to propagate - not very nice. It's a typical rightwing trait. Even today in the Metro free paper, psychoanalysts have concluded that Cameron is not a very nice person. It says it all.


I'm sorry but I answer questions asked of me. I don't make accusations and then refuse to back them up and dodge difficult questions. MadMenMoon hasn't shown up to respond, but then again he also hasn't posted anything since, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, for now.


I'm still surprised how so many left wing supporters refuse to stand up and be counted when asked directly which party they support.


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 09:31 ----------


Possibly the first time I've ever agreed with the Sun




The Sun is not backing any party today, suggesting none of them is worthy of support. I absolutely could not agree more.


The Sun has taken a clear line. The Mail on the other hand has had a schizophrenic approach. It spends the whole time pushing the buttons that will turn its readership to UKIP, then as elections loom tell the readers to vote Tory after all. :hihi:


Its a local election, I didn't think they supported any party in these kinds of elections.

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I doubt if anyone loves the Tories at the moment, as they are cutting nearly everything back trying to recover the economy.

At least we have not entered a 3rd recession.


BUT, who got us in this mess???


People love the labour party as they spend, spend, spend like there's no tomorrow.

People hate the tories as they try to clear up the mess created by labour.


The cons may get the mess sorted out by the next election, but by that time they will have created so many enemies that most people will vote for labour, who will then go on a spending spree blaming the cons.

Of course, they never created this mess.


I'm not sure what the solution is!

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