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10 Years Prison Sentence For £50m?

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British fraudster James McCormick has been jailed for 10 years for selling fake bomb detectors.


He was believed to have made £50m in sales. They doubt they will recover any of the money.


He will only serve half of his sentence in Prison and the other on License.


Would you take a 10 year conviction for fraud for £50m?


I think i would!!





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British fraudster James McCormick has been jailed for 10 years for selling fake bomb detectors.


He was believed to have made £50m in sales. They doubt they will recover any of the money.


He will only serve half of his sentence in Prison and the other on License.


Would you take a 10 year conviction for fraud for £50m?


I think i would!!






I wonder how safe he'll be from any of the security forces he duped once he's released? Maybe he'd wish his sentence was longer..

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I wonder how safe he'll be from any of the security forces he duped once he's released? Maybe he'd wish his sentence was longer..


No they said that they're really happy cause Iraq is now the biggest exporter of golf balls in the world.


They keep finding them all over the place.

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By the time he gets out Iraq and the CPS should have taken all his assets, unless he's hidden them abroad already.


I think they've got more chance of finding Nazi gold.


In fact he's probably put it in the same swiss bank.


Or he'll let them find just enough to keep them happy. Even they find £20m. He'll make that back in interest on the other £30m in the 5 years he spends in Prison.

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I wonder how safe he'll be from any of the security forces he duped once he's released? Maybe he'd wish his sentence was longer..


He should have been sentenced to 10 years bomb/mine clearing using nothing but one of his gadgets to help him.

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