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10 Years Prison Sentence For £50m?

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Many of the agencies that were buying were complicit in the fraud.

Happy to buy at inflated prices in return for kick-backs.


The poor operatives knew that they didn't work either, but sometimes went along with the pretence hoping that the public believed that they worked (a bit like the TV Detector Vans).

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British fraudster James McCormick has been jailed for 10 years for selling fake bomb detectors.


He was believed to have made £50m in sales. They doubt they will recover any of the money.


He will only serve half of his sentence in Prison and the other on License.


Would you take a 10 year conviction for fraud for £50m?


I think i would!!





Me to back out in five with what ever is left of the money to spend

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Many of the agencies that were buying were complicit in the fraud.

Happy to buy at inflated prices in return for kick-backs.


The poor operatives knew that they didn't work either, but sometimes went along with the pretence hoping that the public believed that they worked (a bit like the TV Detector Vans).


Unfortunately Cg, that is not the case.

I have lived and worked in Iraq and Afghanistan where these implements were used regularly at the entry in to the Green zone in Baghdad and also in to American and other foriegn bases.

Myself and others believed that these things were helping to save lives.

I think that it is only the fact that other detection equipment is used in tandem with this 'detector' that prevented, as far as I know, any Ied attacks within these bases.

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i dont know why everyone is making such a fuss? he offered a product he said worked maybe it did maybe it didnt, it obviously didnt i think the old adage "buyer beware" applies here and the reason he has got 10 years is that certain governments and law enforcement agencies have serious egg on their faces for not checking if it actually worked:hihi::hihi::hihi: barmy i can just see the sales pitch now! here is a funny = looking gun detector thing!! oooooh that looks good heres 7 grand!!!! like i said buyer beware:roll::roll:


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 22:09 ----------


:oi wish i had thought of it

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I think all the people saying they'd do ten years inside have a really weird set of values...


I agree, I'd much rather spend the next ten years of my life with my children and my wife. There are some things money can't buy.


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 22:21 ----------


i dont know why everyone is making such a fuss? he offered a product he said worked maybe it did maybe it didnt, it obviously didnt i think the old adage "buyer beware" applies here and the reason he has got 10 years is that certain governments and law enforcement agencies have serious egg on their faces for not checking if it actually worked:hihi::hihi::hihi: barmy i can just see the sales pitch now! here is a funny = looking gun detector thing!! oooooh that looks good heres 7 grand!!!! like i said buyer beware:roll::roll:


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 22:09 ----------


:oi wish i had thought of it


You should take one out with you when you're fox hunting ab, it could stop your horses stepping in bullpoo.

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i dont know why everyone is making such a fuss? he offered a product he said worked maybe it did maybe it didnt, it obviously didnt i think the old adage "buyer beware" applies here and the reason he has got 10 years is that certain governments and law enforcement agencies have serious egg on their faces for not checking if it actually worked:hihi::hihi::hihi: barmy i can just see the sales pitch now! here is a funny = looking gun detector thing!! oooooh that looks good heres 7 grand!!!! like i said buyer beware:roll::roll:


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 22:09 ----------


:oi wish i had thought of it


No mention of course of the fact that his selfish greed has probably cost lives. How like you that you choose to ignore this and at the same time say you wish you'd thought of it. Do you, I wonder sell fake products and services to the elderly and vulnerable as a nice little earner on the side?


---------- Post added 02-05-2013 at 22:28 ----------


i dont know why everyone is making such a fuss?


You think gaining millions on false pretences is a good thing?

You're such a sweetheart Adam, such a doll.

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